Should I go to Musser?


Not a large village of Musser is in the picturesque zone of Pitsundo - Mussery Reserve. This resort is rightfully considered the most environmentally friendly on the territory of the Republic of Justice. This is the third part of the protected area, the most populous. Among the relict coniferous trees in Soviet times, many pioneer camps and boarding houses were built. Of course, it made it difficult to follow the rules of the protected area, but Musser at that time was more likely an elite resort and rest rules were quite rigid.

Should I go to Musser? 6661_1

Rest in the village of Lone, more family than youth. Amazing nature of the nature of the reserve occupies the entire coastal territory of the Mussery Cape. It is in such a beautiful place located Lacoba Pension "

Should I go to Musser? 6661_2

In which when it was resting. The boarding house is located in the very quiet and secluded corner of the relict reserve, on a picturesque hill, are far from similar places of recreation. It is almost completely separate and autonomy. Own, closed and fully protected area of ​​the boarding house, resting as it were completely "isolated" from the outside world (in the good sense of the word). Silent, calm rest does not violate no one, there is only wonderful nature, the chic sea and majestic mountain arrays around.

The boarding house itself is a bulky 17-storey structure in the spirit of Soviet postmodernism with a numbering foundation designed for all categories of vacationers. Double, Triple rooms of various kinds of comfort are provided at the full disposal of holidaymakers. There is a number of rooms and for people who are not accustomed to reckon with costs. For such a category (very small in the republic), apartments or luxury rooms are provided with full list of conceivable and not thoughtable conditions for comfort. Prices for such rooms are simply "Aahn", do not even want to stop. After all, there are much more sought-after rooms for the average resting with a decent set of comfort. Alternatively, we settled into a double room with normal accommodation. Bathroom, washbasin, shower (cheap cabin just no, as such).

Should I go to Musser? 6661_3

Wonderful loggia, with a magnificent sea view. I advise your choice to stop at such a room overlooking the sea, with a balcony. Very comfortable and great, especially in the evening, admire the magnificent views of the sea coast.

Should I go to Musser? 6661_4

Price to such a number 1,200 rubles per person, if the child under 11 years old is in an extra place - there is a discount (not too significant, but still discount). There are more budget rooms with conditions on the floor or without a balcony (which is very uncomfortable), there is also a numbering room with mountain views. Such rooms are cheaper, the difference in price is not too big, in 200 - 250 rubles. Each is free to choose yourself at its discretion and the presence of spa capital. Accordingly, the fee for the room includes a full-fledged three-hand meal in its own dining room.

Should I go to Musser? 6661_5

Returning to the conditions of comfort in the boarding house, I would like to say that the furniture is though quite good, but old. What was fashionable in the 70-80 years, is now considered to be "retro", but the cabinet and bedside tables are complete "rhocked", on the last sick. Furniture in the boarding house in the rooms of economy class and medium property numbers did not change, and as he wrote above, remained at the level of the 70s and change in the near future will be unlikely to, although the price policy of the boarding house is not "cheap pleasure." The republic is poor, lives on subsidies from Russia and speaking figuratively "striking old clothes", in this case all that remains after the union collapse is.

Now about nutrition. There is no negative, cooks, as young people say: - "Respect and Respect."

One positive. Food itself in the dining room is based on the buffet system with the addition of national dishes. Extremely nutritional dishes, quite disappointing, even for a child.

On the territory of the boarding house you will not be bored too. Normally equipped gym, gym. There are platforms for engaged in volleyball, badminton, you can play with the neighbors to play basketball, table tennis. For small children - a playground (not what ahty, but still there).

But better the sea can not be anything. The sea is fabulously beautiful.

Should I go to Musser? 6661_6

Swim in such an ecologically clean resort. Solid pleasure. In addition to bathing, the air of the reserve itself is therapeutic. The best natural medicine for people with respiratory organs is magnificent coniferous trees whose aroma combined with sea breeze and clean mountain air, acts as a panacea. Our neighbors by number (asthmatics) said that for 5 years they only come to this pension. On the beach they were rare guests, almost all the time spent in the coniferous, pine forest, walking and enjoying beautiful, healing (in their opinion, air).

Beach pebble. In the boarding house you can take a chaise longue (it is issued on the security of 100 rubles, which are then returned). The administration boasted that they had a children's animation, but it was a pity during our recreation of the animators we did not wait. The entrance to the sea is gentle, babies flounded - a pleasure. By the way adults as much as the mass of all kinds, beach entertainment, the best of which diving. The sea is so clean, and the underwater world here is so rich and beautiful that it is diving, the best holiday in the resort. Of course, you can fly on the paraglider, but it is a little bit, although it is also great in my own way.

Who will be boring completely, the boarding house offers a lot of sightseeing trips throughout the republic. There are medical excursions, to the city of Gagra, to the local waterproof. You can visit New Athos, it all depends on the desire and your financial opportunities.

We traveled some and them. I really liked the complete, sightseeing tour of the city of Pitsunda. There is there, in the city of the Private Museum "Old Mill"

Should I go to Musser? 6661_7

In which exhibits are collected from all the former Soviet Union, but most of all exhibits from the Caucasus region. Full price excursion 700 rubles.

We liked the second much more, went to the legendary lake Rice.

Should I go to Musser? 6661_8

Guide from the boarding house - above all praise. We have not heard such an exciting story for a long time. The lake itself is simply gorgeous - the magnificent azure of the blue lake, changing its color, depending on the "mood" of the weather. Elegant waterfalls on the road. Beautiful and magnificent nature. Price excursion 800 rubles per person.

Satisfied with rest.

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