Useful information about the holiday in Geneva. Tips for experienced tourists.


A distinctive feature of Geneva is its multinationality. Arriving here, travelers and tourists can calmly hear a wide variety of languages, French, Italian, English, Arabic, not to mention the traditional German language.

But the inhabitants of Geneva are characterized by some features of behavior and nature, which should be considered when traveling here, like some features of the functioning of the resort itself.

Useful information about the holiday in Geneva. Tips for experienced tourists. 66513_1

1. Residents of such a beautiful town like Geneva, very hardworking. They are very much appreciated and love order in everything, ranging from their own homes, and ending with the order and cleanliness of urban streets. Actually, as well as local authorities who have established large fines throughout the territory of Geneva for violations of purity and order in the city. The garbage should be thrown exclusively in the urns, and for pets should be removed independently when you walk them on the streets of the city. For the slightest violations you threaten the impressive amount of the fines.

2. The indigenous resort inhabitants have a very secretive character, and it does not need to be offended. Some tourists are really in a novelty, because many tourists are very sociable and talkative. Residents of Geneva are also talkative, but they talk about work and personal life at all. They do not expose their experiences and emotions, and even more so, they will never point to their socially high position. Although all the townspeople are very friendly and are welcome to tourists and travelers.

3. Almost all residents are quite religious. About 95% of them regularly visit the shrines and celebrate religious holidays. Moreover, they all very carefully treat their traditions, which is taught by their children from the smallest years. Such traditional is inherent in absolutely all residents of Geneva, and all Switzerland too.

Useful information about the holiday in Geneva. Tips for experienced tourists. 66513_2

4. A very large number of tourists and citizens prefer movement around the city by bike, because it can be accomplished in absolutely any part of the city, while not performing unnecessary fuel costs or public transport. Road participants are always very closely related to cyclists. For them, the only obstacles in Geneva can be vintage paved bridges.

5. It should also be noted the fact that the town located at the excellent shores of the Lake Geneva is also considered one of the most expensive in all Switzerland. Here is a high price level almost all, including accommodation and meals. Clubs, restaurants, hotels, prices for all this can be just huge. Therefore, in order to find cheap restaurants and clubs, it is best to seek establishments that are located on the outskirts of the city. They are less expensive and offer both good and delicious dishes and not so expensive numbers. Restaurant offers of restaurants, which are located near the University of Geneva.

The central location is considered the most expensive. Cheap hotels can be found at the banks of the river.

6. In the city you can move and using a network of public transport. Those who wish to save up to 50% of the amount, I advise you to purchase a special travel ticket that allows movement on all types of urban public transport.

7. From July to August a month, it is considered the best time that can be held in Geneva. It is in the warm season that you can actively relax on the lake and its coastal zone, as well as in the city there are national holidays that are very loved and appreciate visitors.

8. Thanks to a large number of pedestrian zones, tourists prefer to walk around the city on foot. Especially in the summer, the city is drowning in colors and pleases visitors with abundant greens and flavors of flower plants.

Useful information about the holiday in Geneva. Tips for experienced tourists. 66513_3

9. Tips in the restaurants of Geneva make up about 5-15% of the cost of the order, and they need to be left to the waiter only after the surrender. Tips in a taxi here are also generally accepted, so the driver is desirable to leave a small amount as a thanks for servicing.

10. The most popular souvenirs of the resort are the Swiss watches, famous worldwide. Prices on them depend only on the model you chose. The price range here starts from 20 Swiss francs and ends with thousands of francs. It is advisable to make purchases, albeit inexpensive models, in shopping centers or specialized stores. Do not buy them on the rays or trays, because you may well sell a fake, and even in overestimated

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