Rest in Czech Krumlov: tourist reviews


Until his first trip at the end of September, I didn't know anything about Czech Krumlov in the Czech Republic, even the names did not hear this. So when the guide brought us to the hotel and began a discussion of the proposed excursions. He first delivered a tick "Czech Krumlov and the castle deep over Vltava" and explained to my interested curious look: - If you have visited us, but did not visit Czech Krumlov - then you did not see this Czech Republic. We naturally agreed on the tour.

We left early in the morning, the day was awesome, frosty sunny.

First, I visited the castle "Deep on Vltava" - the majestic, snow-white, romantic.

A picturesque track leads to him, but the elderly will be hard to go uphill:

Rest in Czech Krumlov: tourist reviews 66335_1

They visited the tour, they picked up in their free time, walked around the territory and in the local cafe warmed with Mulled wine and delicious pastries.

Next we were expected by Czech Krumlov.

The beauty and fabulousness of this place is shrinking, it must be seen with its own eyes, unfortunately does not convey the entire flavor:

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Rest in Czech Krumlov: tourist reviews 66335_3

Rest in Czech Krumlov: tourist reviews 66335_4

Rest in Czech Krumlov: tourist reviews 66335_5

After the end of the excursion in his free time decided to visit the Museum of Torture. I learned about it from the Internet, and it became a mandatory point of visiting, because Personally, I am very interested in a medieval story, inquisition. And of course curiosity. Scene I tell you ... Read completely

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