What should I see in Plzene? The most interesting places.


If you knew about the preferences of my spouse, you probably immediately guessed why we went to Pilsen. Czech, I love the middle ages for her flight. There are many ancient monuments, incredible architectural buildings, and simply abundance of interesting museums with the most diverse expositions.

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So, in Plzen, I kept the way for the reason that I wanted to plunge into the inspection of local attractions, and my spouse (a beer amateur) wanted to taste, the famous "beer capital" of this country. The fact that this city is called the "beer capital", I learned from my spouse who stared at me in surprise when I said that I didn't hear a pilpe of the pilzer, I didn't hear in my life. Because we have on this basis, a conflict and small cross-timer almost played out, then all the time staying in the city of Plzen, we pulled each other in different directions.

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You just imagine that in this city, right on the streets, there are automata in which you can buy a jammy beer! I have not met anything anywhere! True, buy beer, not all may not all, since one payment of the purchase is little and in order to give the car to the cherished jar, it is necessary to show a document to the scanner who will make sure your majority. Husband from these machines was in full delight!

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While the spouse rejoiced his happiness, I managed to find out that the city of Pilsen was built on the plain on the royal decree. Why did I surprised this? In those days, approximately in the thirteenth century, the city was made to base in the places of former settlements or townships. I liked the fact that the historical part of the city, has a compact size and it can easily move on foot, while you can not be afraid of a drop regarding the fact that something will be unnoticed.

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On the main square of the city, almost always, a variety of events are held, such as fairs. Fairs are the most diverse - christmas, Easter, to St. Valentine's Day and so on. We were doubly lucky, since we not only hit the fair dedicated to the Day of St. Bartholomew, but also captured a piece of the festival in The Streets Festival, where they enjoy dances and theatrical ideas. If we were talking about local events, I simply can't help you tell you about local attractions. Beer lovers, celebrate, because your story, I will start with the brewing plant, which we visited in the first of all.

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Brewery "Plzen's holiday" . I dragged me here, my spouse, because the tour meant a tasting of the foam drink, and this holiday taste, my bold, could not miss well. I will say right away that the tasting was, but the beer was poured into a plastic cup straight from the barrel, exactly half of the half than the spouse very sealing. In fact, I won't shower my soul, I really liked the tour. And that's what we told us. The first batch of beer, welded at this factory in 1842.

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The initiator of the plant's construction was the innkeeper Waclav Mirwald. Probably, it was he who laid the first stone into the foundation of the future plant in 1839. At those times, the company was equipped simply for excellent, and for the development of brewing technology, a famous German brewer Joseph Gloll was invited. In order not to risk and not getting too much, the raw material for the first party was purchased in Bavaria, but it turned out to be superfluous, since it was already a year later, a barley and hops, grown on the local lands, were used. Surprisingly, the taste of beer, exceeded all the expectations, as he turned out to be much better than beer, which was cooked from Bavarian raw materials. Access to the secret of brewing, in the very heart of the plant, is open to everyone, but probably there are also their own special secret, because so far anyone has not been able to create an analogue of this beer. Per year, at this factory, four thousand hectolis of the foam beverage of excellent quality are produced.

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Cathedral of St. Bartholomew . The first thing that rushes into the eyes is huge windows, almost the entire height of the structure. The windows are shaped arches. Then, the look switches to the pointed spires towers. And only after that, pay attention to the Cathedral Building itself. To be honest, the box itself, I was not impressed, the windows were impressed, and the building itself, no. That's what it is clearly lacking in it, or decorations, whether pompousness, or refinement or tenderness. I do not know in general. I transmit the words of the guide, hereinafter. Cathedral of St. Bartholomew, is an architectural monument. The exact date of construction is not reliably known, but it is clear that he was erected at the beginning of the sixteenth century. This is a monumental structure, in the Gothic style with a pointed roof and a huge, one hundred and two meter tower. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the sixteenth century, this tower ranked second in Europe at its height. On the cathedral, there is an observation deck, which is located at a height of sixty-two meters. This is such an unusual know how, for those times. In order to get to this platform, you need to overcome three hundred one step.

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You just do not think that I thought them, they thought my feet, which the next day he was buzzed, like I was running out the Olympic Marathon. In 2001, the platform was protected by the grid and not at all because of tourists. The fact is that many suicides wanted to say goodbye to their lives, it is from here. View from the observation deck, opens just amazing and even difficult to imagine how you can take a step into the abyss, looking at all this beauty. In the cathedral itself, I was again struck by the windows, but the main pearl, it turns out to be not at all. Inside the cathedral, there is a statue of the Pilsen Virgin Mary, which is the object of pilgrimage and the main shrine of this temple. The statue is not difficult to find and do not hide it from human eyes. It is located in the main altar, in a cozy deepening. The height of the statue of the Plzen Virgin Mary is one hundred and thirty-four centimeters, and she was extr. from a very interesting natural material, which is called sandy mergel.

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