Is it worth going to Kynddig?


The village of Kynddyg is located in the western part of the Republic, 20 kilometers from the city of Sukhumi, on the Black Sea coast. The village is very small, a large number of people who had once lived here left the village. After all, at one time Kynddig was in the epicenter of hostilities. Of this scenario, things come out that the village has not yet recovered from the war,

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And as the resort is practically no development that the worst thing is not evolving. As such, there is no infrastructure, the usual village with the only plus is the Black Sea. The private sector is zero, even in the "embryo" to be called hard. The only place where you can remove more or less comfortable accommodation - the Pension "Eucalyptus Grove".

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This guesthouse went to the Republic of Abkhazia from Soviet times with all weak "entertainment" infrastructure. Then military actions and after them for refining in the pension itself there was almost nothing. Everything remains at the level of 80 years with light modern cosmetic repairs. And the accommodation itself in the boarding house unreasonably expensive pleasure. With all its not biased the attitude towards a different kind of feedback, had the opportunity to be convinced of his own experience.

As one of the advantages of the boarding house can be highlighted - it is protected, closed territories and that is pleasant, it is guarded by the conscience, there were no extraneous during his stay. The establishment is just wonderful. The boarding house itself is surrounded by relict, eucalyptus groves, air on the territory is simply delightful. Since the sea is completely row, you can imagine what healing air in the district. Eucalyptus fragrance in combination with sea freshness, such a combination is simply a panacea for our respiratory system. And one more (as I am not sorry) the last, the positive moment of rest in this institution is your own beach.

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Pure enough, and by local standards "completely" staffed with everything necessary. There is a "Soviet, Ramish" service for the rental of sun beds and different other resort attributes, even drinking fountains are installed, but I do not advise you to drink such water - a straight road to the infectious compartment. From the beach entertainment, a set of scum.

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Dilapidated catamarans (blessing rust), there is a rental of boats for those who want to go fishing. That's probably all positive moments. The rest is just awful. Take at least a playground (the legacy of the USSR),

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On rusty gland, a layer of paint in a finger of an adult. In the sun paint brings, there were precedents, the children cut their hands about paint flaps. The rooms are incommensurable "expensive", 1,200 rubles for 1 person per day. Such price policy of the boarding house is in no way commensurate with the conditions provided by the conditions of comfort. Of course, the price includes three-time meals, but here is big but ... to be honest - food is not just bad, it is no. Cooks are preparing for both breeding cattle, food is inconvenient. Observed the similarity of the buffet.

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So it is worth a portion until they are taken away by the "hungry" vacationers themselves. During our stay (5 days) there were three poisoning of food products. In addition, there are no pharmacies nearby, it is impossible to buy drugs in the village. Only in Sukhumi, and before it or the transfer of the boarding house at a well-known price (1000 rubles, while going 15 minutes) or the same partner - the price is less, but not much.

And the cafe located near the boarding house, although it offers excellent national disasters, but again expensive. And you can not do anything, there are no more worthy establishments, from here there is no competition. Yes, there is a wonderful store on the territory of the boarding house, there is a wonderful choice of resort products of widespread consumption (vodka, wine and drinks), on this range ended. After all, the whole major resort life, whether there are entertainment or just a productive rest only in the city of Sukhumi.

I can not not say about the son of the owner of the boarding house. Rare, odious personality. He could afford any tricks without looking at the requirements of vacationers. Sometimes on his moped, he drove through the territory of the boarding house (in the evening), the signal at the same time without taking care of the fact that family pairs with children rested in the boarding house.

As a result, the boarding house is disgusting. If you go to relax in these edges, find alternative housing. Otherwise, rest in the village of Skicarem and everything else therapeutic.

Not far from the village is a natural, hydrogen sulfide geyser.

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Visiting the source paid. The price is 100 rubles from an adult, children for free. The temperature of the water, in the place where it breaks out of the depths of the earth, is approximately +110 degrees. By iron grooves, water from a natural geyser flows down, while cooling up to the temperature of approximately +45 degrees, it becomes quite acceptable for lovers to get along. Such grooves are about 13 pieces and in each of them a water with different temperatures, some have a temperature of up to +37 degrees, which is quite acceptable for bathing even children. I will not even write how favorably such a bathing affects the human body, especially rapid child health. It's just charm. In addition to the hydrogen sulfide geyser, it is possible to take mud baths,

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These are very useful for the prevention and treatment of human musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic dirt is washed immediately, in one of the grooves with hydrogen sulfide water. Therapeutic effect increases twice. By the way on this sources with mud baths come from the whole republic. In addition to the prevention and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, it is treated here and some gynecological diseases (especially women) are treated with all sorts of skin diseases. I will not judge the symbols of these sources and mud baths, but our impressions after the five-day use of the mud and water therapy complex is awesome well-being.

The conclusion from the whole thing is that it is not done by the hands of a person, but given to us by Mother - Nature - adequately admiration. In the rest - poor resort. It is better to remove housing in the city of Sukhumi, and for healing lakes and mud baths to ride public transport (the benefit of transport is enough and he drives from the city of Sukhumi, with enviable regularity).

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