What should I see in Borjomi?


The resort of Borjomi, which is the birthplace of mineral water, quite appreciated in his time by Soviet leaders, is located in the south-east of Georgia, in the gorge of the Kura River, at a distance of 152 kilometers west from Tbilisi. This place itself is unique due to the unique nature, so, do not be healing sources here, there would still be connoisseurs of natural beauty. Borjomi is in the gorge, it is surrounded by the impressive mountainous arrays of the Caucasus, crouched coniferous and wide forests, which sometimes grow at a height of three thousand meters above sea level. However, in our time, Borjomi knows mainly as a balneological resort - here coming not only rest and restore the nerves, pitted by dynamic rhythms of native cities, but also cure from a variety of diseases.

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In truth, Borjomi water was opened in Russia in the nineteenth century - in those days the first production was launched and the sale of healing water in crystal bottles with a cane case began. Even Mikhail Romanov was a fan of this utility natural product.

Having a strange taste and smell and the same unusual name, it has long turned into a well-known brand and a visiting card of the state. The favorable effect of the use of this mineral water for digestive, respiratory systems, the urinary apparatus, metabolism and immunity is proved in our time. They used it from a long time - archaeological surveys in the local area allowed to detect stone baths, thanks to which this conclusion can be made. In all likelihood, at that time, water procedures were taken in this water, and did not use it inside. Nowadays, it is not only consumed, but also inhale the ferry and with the help of a spray gun.

The main spring with therapeutic water is located in Borzomsk Central Parquer "Here, every visitor has the opportunity to completely freely gain a Borjomi - water, which is supplied in more than thirty states. In these places there are dozens of hospitals, recreational institutions, rest houses and sanatoriums, in which visitors can take advantage of medical services, treatment with sulfur and mineral baths, clinical and diagnostic procedures ... All these health facilities are located near the central park.

Borjomi is successfully hidden in the gorge, so the city has protection against the powerful impact of the atmosphere and sharp temperature jumps - as a result, the local inhabitants and guests of the resort have a caress of sunlight and heat, inhale the clean air of the mountains, enjoy moderate temperatures throughout the year. Summer here is very pleased with warmth, and winter is moderately soft.

Nowadays, this resort has something to look as well as lovers of architectural dicks. Borjomi can see monuments belonging to Christian culture, having a story in several centuries. Visiting have the opportunity to visit Monastery of St. George and Monastery Holy Spiridon trimifuntsky (tenth century).

Little Dapa village attracts tourists located here Church of St. George . When visiting comes inside this carved in the rock and frankly decorated in 1333 by the traditional ornaments of the ancient shrine, they experience peaceful trembling and reverence in front of the spirit of antiquity, beauty and holiness of this amazing place. Maybe by having been here, they acquire not only bodily healing, but also spiritual.

It is better to get acquainted with the history, culture and interesting places of this edge of Georgia in Museum of Local Lore Museum "Here, besides the fact that forty thousand exhibition objects are assembled - for the entire period of the establishment of the institution, numbering several centuries - local guides are distinguished by a friendly and love of their native places. And, of course, they seek to instill interest in the visitors. Those tourists who rest here with children love to be in the city central park - here, besides therapeutic sources, also arranged Amusements for children, Cinema and swimming pool.

Information about the popular tourists of routes, sightseeing tours and wonders of this edge can be found in Tourist Information center located in the administrative center of Borjomi.

Borjomi-Charagauli National Park

One of the largest National Park in the European Region is located on the territory between the cities of Borjomi and Charagauly. It occupies a territory about eight percent of the area of ​​the whole state. He is unique thanks to a variety of environmental and geographic areas, landscapes, ancient monuments and the richness of the animal and plant world. In this area, tourists have the opportunity to walk with real alpine meadows, see the deer, kunitsy, fox and hare. In addition, predators come across and predators - the Bear and Wolf - however, it is not recommended to seek with them.

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Entrance to the park is free, there are paths and places for the arrangement of parking lots in nature, there is also the possibility of renting a horse - it will cost you 50 Lari (about 30 dollars).

In the fall, locals usually celebrate City Day - Borzhomoba . By the way, according to legend, the village of Borjomi was founded as a natural fortress, the functions of its walls were performed by the mountains of the Caucasus, the slopes of the gorge acquired by sentigious towers. For this reason, the name of the settlement comes from the words "Borge", meaning a fortress wall, and "Omi", meaning the war.

During the celebration of the City Day, traditional Georgian dishes are preparing, you can hear national music, there are performances of dance folk groups and so on. All those visiting, who eager to taste Chakhokhli and Hinkali, test themselves as a performer of Lezginka, compete in the proclamation of toasts and simply go to the spiritual fun, should visit this holiday - just like to taste local healing water. In Borjomi, everyone knows that there is not only water, but also the atmosphere itself, spirit, air, the mood of the resort city.

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Enjoy your holiday in the hospitable Georgian resort Borjomi!

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