Rest in Opatija: pros and cons. Should I go to Opato?


Rest in Opatija: pros and cons. Should I go to Opato? 65737_1

Opatia is an old resort on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, which is famous for its sophistication, aristocratic and high level of hotel services. In all its history, which begins from the 19th century, hotels and apartments Opatia have never lowered the service bar and assistance to tourists.

There were always first-class rooms and apartments equipped with the latest technology and decorated in the best traditions of the aristocratic resort. It is not surprising that representatives of the Imperial Surname of the Habsburgs, the rules of the Australian Hungarian Empire, were the first clienteens of Opatii's hotel.

Now the clientele of hotels in Opatiya has significantly expanded both at the expense of the general democratization of society and due to the expansion of the geography of the native countries of the guests. The resort is visited not only by members of the old aristocratic families in Europe, but also tourists of various income levels almost from all over the world, up to the countries of the Pacific region. But most of the guests retained the faithfulness of the age-old traditions of the resort. Here you will not meet cheerful and enchanted student crowds, dozens of organized Chinese and Korean groups, numerous families with unfounded noisy children. In this, the main difference between Opatii from other resorts of the country: it is not so crowded here, as in Dubrovnik, not as easy and cheap, as in Novigrad, and even more so - as in neighboring Montenegro, so beloved Russian for extreme democraticness.

If in a high season, the reality of the resort is still quite high, then after the end of August you can get accommodation in an excellent location, without being surrounded by a large number of people. Lubility and privacy will become the main features of your holidays. However, in the high season, Opatiy will also offer you an entertainment and excursion set, similar to any other city on the coast.

The main advantage of Opatiya is the sea. The city stands on the picturesque narrow bay. Krk Island, Istria and Dalmatia shores protect the beach from high waves. Even in violent weather here is relatively quiet, and the sea is quickly warming up.

With its own landscapes, Opatiy is very much reminded of Yalta, because its architectural appearance was formed at the same time: the time of flowing empires, which no longer exist.

In such a peaceful and friendly atmosphere of a rich and respectable resort, you can enjoy beautiful views of the bay, sea swims in the purest water on a set of equipped beaches, familiarizing with not very numerous, but a variety of antiquity monuments: the architectural research of the Belvedere Hotel and other southern southern architecture of the middle and The late 19th century, the famous sculpture "Girl with Seull", who became the informal brand-symbol of Opatia, the old church of the 14th century, and the most important attraction of the resort - the twelvethic meters of the neighboring city of Rijeka, beautiful vegetation and magnificent villages.

Rest in Opatija: pros and cons. Should I go to Opato? 65737_2

By the way, this Promenade can help you not only in making pleasant and useful walks, but also solving the purely domestic Iil entertainment tasks. Rijeka is famous for its shopping and entertainment centers, so everything that you cannot be able to find yourself in taste in quiet apatics can always be purchased from your closest neighbors along the coast.

In a word, if the feet of your pocket, it is definitely worth come here.

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