Should I go to Hachip?


The first resort village that meets you after crossing the border with the border - Hachipsh (Leselidze, as his local population calls). Very different attitude towards people crossing the border. If on the side of the border service to everyone, without exception strictly, a fundamental attitude, sometimes with in-depth inspection of things, then Abkhaz border guards meet with the words "Hello Daragoy", lazily watch your passport and that's it! Practically no check, as in the European Union.

In general, from the border of the village is so close that it is on foot to turn 25 minutes and then a slow step.

For lovers to save everything - as an option. The rest of the resting note is to use the services of public transport or as a last resort by the route taxi. Do not refer to private owners, whatever they say to you. Prices differ simply fantastically, three times, and even four times the services of Likhach are standing above. Have patience, every 20-30 minutes to the side of the village follows the usual regular bus, let it be without air conditioning and technically outdated, but the raboration of the 80 years is completely in working condition.

The village itself is a very quiet, great place for a relaxing holiday. Unrivaled beauty of mountain ranges, magnificent turquoise - blue sea, hot sun and gentle, refreshing breeze, plus a fairly loyal attitude of the local population will make your holiday unforgettable. Just imagine this beauty, gentle sea on the one hand, majestic mountains, the tops of which are lost in the matte clouds on the other hand. And everything is drowning in greenery.

Should I go to Hachip? 6571_1

The local population lives at the expense of tourism, there are no industrial centers, no harmful enterprises, the main employment of local agriculture and animal husbandry. But still earnings in the holiday season - the most important article of the incomes of the local population. Therefore, almost everything in the village gives up. The private sector is simply developed. There are also boarding houses, but personally my attitude towards them is distrust. This is not biased, there was a case at first visiting the resort. The first time rested in the guest house. This is a poverty and not boarding house. If you briefly describe, then welcome to the old, forgotten 80 years. It is not retro, but realities with broken outlets in the room, dirty bedding and dilapidated beds. Just awful. Under the ceiling, chandeliers are a large deficit. Instead, simple cartridges with blinking light bulbs. Bathroom and worse. Sealing toilet, falling off tile.

Should I go to Hachip? 6571_2

In the conditions of the conditions, as such, there are no, and the attitude of the service personnel is similar to the Soviet (if anyone remembers). Send, far and for a long time any pension worker can be a cleaner or administrator. The only thing that fed in the boarding house is not bad. The rest has much to be desired. Rudeness and laziness of staff at every step. So now, any boarding house of Abkhazia prefer the private sector. In addition to the fact that the choice is just huge, and you yourself see what you choose, plus it is very fiscal, an order of magnitude lower than in a pension or a private recreation center, and the accommodation conditions are much higher.

By the way, in the private sector, a big competition has its own advertising campaign, such a "shrimp" for vacationers. While they selected a decent place, it is possible to paint. We found one announcement on the fence of the house: - We have a bottle of brandy (Chaqi) and a laurel wreath as a gift, besides the first night for free. We, though we were without the honors of a laurel wreath, we were waiting for us. Severated to people with whom they met our first train (when they ran away from the "charities" of the guest house).

Those thoroughly describe the place of residence I see no point, almost the entire private sector proposes the same type of comfort,

Should I go to Hachip? 6571_3

True, somewhere in the rooms (homes) air conditioners are installed. The issue of food dropped (for us) himself. I advise everyone to solve the issue of nutrition with the owners of your living space. They are prepared very tasty and much cheaper than in coastal cafes. But it is worth noting that food is to prepare national and very fat with a lot of varied spices, no one will cook for you for you. If someone, suddenly contraindicated this type of food or you need to prepare a child personally, the owners of any housing are offered a kitchen with everything necessary for independent cooking. Tableware, kitchenware - everything is available and personal, for the entire period of your stay.

The sea is just a fairy tale, clean and beautiful. The descent is sufficiently gently, without sudden drops to be more or less safely able to swim with children. The driver was warm, sometimes and climbing from the sea was not desire, so in the sea comfortably. After all, the average temperature in the resort season is +35 degrees, and the beaches (big minus) are not equipped. They are wild

Should I go to Hachip? 6571_4

without any conditions. There are no chaise longons, there is no rental of sun beds, umbrellas from the sun, everything must be having their own. But the beaches of the semi are deserted, even at the height of the season are quite small.

If you get tired of the scorching sun, I advise you to visit the center of the village. It's amazing that the center of Hachipsh is not a noisy place, there is silence and calm and all around is drowning in greenery. HECHROP HECHROP - as an oasis of virgin nature among the smelter of agricultural land. The main attraction and the place of rest in the village there is a small park, where 68 slender cypresses are planted with Monument to General Colonel Leselidze in the center. This memorial composition, local residents commemorated their fellow countrymen, formed their heads in the Great Patriotic War.

From the evening entertainment, I can advise the beautiful cafe "Barrel". Gorgeous establishment with normal service and delicious national dishes. Plus, live music and closer to the evening a small disco on an open dance floor.

Who will seem to be enough, 15 kilometers is Gaga, there are much more entertainment, but also for the price they are more expensive.

I advise you to go to the main attraction of the Republic of Abkhazia - Lake Ritsa.

Should I go to Hachip? 6571_5

Such a beautiful you will not see anywhere else. It is impossible to describe all the charm. It must be seen. The bus routes are adjusted here, private traders are adjusted, which are better than any guides will tell the history of their homeland.

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