What is worth viewing in the world?


The village of the world, located in the Grodno region of Belarus, attracts thousands of tourists annually. The first time mentioned in the writing source in the 14th century, he received his name or from the word "Emir", since here in those days there were detachments of warriors-Tatars hired by the Prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian Vitovt, or from the word "world" in honor of some Prisoners in long-standing agreement. Be that as it may, the place is very interesting, preserved some natural charm and color.

The most significant attractions include Church of the Holy Trinity (1533-50), Catholic church of St. Nicholas (1599-1605) and Jeshiva built in 1815.

But the most important attraction of the village of the world is undoubtedly the magnificent complex Worldly castle.

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The monument of the architecture of the 16th century, the castle was well preserved, not so long ago was renovated and turned into, perhaps, in the most visited tourist object in Belarus (along with Nesvizhsky Castle). In addition, its importance in the history and culture of the country may also be indicated by the fact of inclusion in 2000 on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The history of the worldly castle is enveloped by many secrets and legends. The castle construction, which begun in the 20s of the 16th century by the head of the notable kind of Ilinichi, was continued by representatives of the largest Magnatse Radzivilov, with whom they associate its power. True, they were not his last owners - in the 19th century they became noble Wittgensteins, and from 1891 to 1939, before the transfer of the castle to the state, they owned Svyatopolk-worldly. But it was with Radzyvilles that most of the worldly stories and legends are connected, and it is their name that is a sewn symbol of the castle.

Being the easiest building built in the style of Gothic, the worldly castle is really great and is considerable interest.

In its walls, today there is a Museum of the World Castle, a hotel for 15 luxuriously furnished rooms, conference rooms, intended for important meetings and events, as well as a souvenir shop.

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Going to the area of ​​the castle, in the museum complex, you can learn about the history of the construction and development of the very village itself and the castle, to see the old exhibits, and climb the steep staircase into one of the towers, in which the interiors of residential chambers and the halls of the Locks of the castle are recreated.

On the perimeter of the courtyard there is a peculiar balcony, which serves for communication between different parts of the castle. And if you go to the tower, located on the left of the entrance, then you can get into the room that served as a prison. Brr .. goosebumps on the skin.

By the way, walking around the structure, please note (although if you arrive with the group, the guide and so will show) on the head of the ram, built into the wall. Nobody knows exactly thanks to who and why she appeared there. But according to legend, if you take out, then the whole castle will collapse.

The castle spread picturesque lake . It appeared when a worldly castle became the ownership of Nicholas Svyatopolki-worldly, who decided to improve the estate dilapidated by that time. He cut out the beautiful apple orchard, who has long been a real decoration of the world, and built the name Chapel and tomb (It preserved to the present day and is truly a family crypt).

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True, the garden revenged his new owner. The fact is that by legend, Svyatopolk-Mirsky began his work when the apple trees were in bloom. People refused to make such a sin - chop flowering trees, but Nikolai did not listen and even showed an example, having flushing several of them first. Since then, the diverse lake began to carry out life, no matter how the fate of the trees, and the castle itself acquired another legend.

Among others, no less mysterious - the legend of the Ghost is a white lady, a lovingly called Sonechka and noticed in different parts of the castle, about the spirits of warriors found in the restoration of the castle Svyatopolk-worldly and sometimes faster sounds from their new refuge.

In addition, there is a version that a long underground tunnel is moving from the worldly castle that connects it to the nose. According to legend, the corridor is so wide that they can drive a hardened carriage, and in one of the walls a treasure is closed - 12 gold apostles, which were hidden by Radziwill servants during the war of 1812.

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