When is it better to rest in the oven?


When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_1

Having been once on an ecologically clean resort in the naski, fall in love with this wonderful place once and for all. Here is a wonderful nature, the purest air, stunning views of the Borzhavsky ridge, and the mass of exciting natural attractions. The resort does not shout loudly that he is a skiing, rather, he is all seasonal, since the represented range of sightseeing services, a spa procedure, all sorts of horses, squares and bicycles, allows you to spend time with benefit and rehabilitation year-round. The resort itself is 2 km from the highway Uzhgorod - Meshgoria, and honestly say these 2 km. The road is completely killed, if it rains, there is a solid dirt, on the left side of the river flows, and the righteous houses are worthwhile.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_2

Cottages are built closer to the resort, which in the high ski season also take rest and skiers. But such a remoteness from the track and makes the resort quiet and environmentally friendly.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_3

Spring in the navels

March and April, however, how October and November, the resort is the lowest season, but about everything in order. During this period, the snow is still in the mountains, the weather is wet, the ground is raw, that is, long walks will not work, hiking in the mountains are possible, namely, Magraiga at the foot of which the resort is located. In the cold season from the resort you can go to the coast and enjoy the bathing in the thermal pool. From the end of April and the May holidays, the high season is considered, the prices in the resort are increasing. During this period, a family came to rest here from the nearest areas, the resting resort will not be allowed to get bored, you will be offered interesting excursions, fragrant bathhouse and hot chan with mineral water. I recommend at this time to visit the Daricss Valley, you will be happy to organize such a tour. If you want to relax with the soul and body, then May and the beginning of June is a great time for relax and the collection of the first berries of blueberries, the resort staff and the locals will be happy to share with your blueberry places.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_4

Summer in navels

In the summer, there are fun and noisy here, all sorts of thematic holidays, exhibitions, fairs, master classes, such as soap, doll - Motanka, drawing, yoga and a lot of interesting things are held. And most importantly, in the summer there is a children's camp here, where you can send your child, a rich program for rest will be guaranteed. An animator is engaged in the whole day with kids, interesting contests, horseback riding, interesting excursions. Summer is a great time to discover the interesting places of Transcarpathia, goes to the mountains to collect the first white mushrooms and berries, to assemble themselves on their fragrant and healing carpathian herbs. The climate in the navel is unique and warm, in the summer it is abnormally hot, so you can even bring the South Tan from the Carpathians, for this, the resort has a vacationer and children a swimming pool and sun loungers. When we rested, I found out from the administration if they plan to expand him and make an indoor, they said that there are such ideas in the plans, because I wouldn't swim in such a small pool, although the water says there it changes regularly, but Plant rustling overlooking the Borzhavian ridge, with pleasure.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_5

Autumn in Zaises

Autumn in the Carpathians of the Divine and the exhaust here is no exception, here is not so much deciduous trees to watch the change of paints, but still there is a fishing line in which Mineral Chan and Spa Hut is located, so he pleases the rare of bright colors of holidaymakers all September. Since mid-October and all November at the resort comes low season, respectively, and the lowest prices, I recommend to follow their site, which in principle did I since the end of August choosing the eco-resort for resting the whole family. I considered many vacation options in the Carpathians, but as always bribed the tempting action 3 + 2 or 5 + 4, that is, the first, this is the number of days paid by holidaymakers, and the second bonus from the resort. The cost of accommodation includes delicious breakfasts. Autumn in the oven is warm, the cause of this is again a unique climate, and the height of which it is located 600 m above sea level.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_6

Vacationers during this period are not so much, so you can relax with soul and body, walking in the mountains in the afternoon, and in the evening visiting the jar or mineral chan, for children there will be an interesting communication with young pons, which are completely not afraid of tourists. If you come to your family, I recommend to stop in the cottages of fires 250 m from the main building, it makes it inconvenience to many, since for breakfast you have to go down, and back to the hill, but this is not embarrassed. The house was very comfortable, cozy, my own mini kitchen, which allows you to cook if you decide to eat yourself. In the morning it is so nice to go to a huge veranda, drink coffee and enjoy the silence and thick fogs that you should get along the valley. Closer to 11 o'clock the fogs will dispel and can be safely searched for excursions.

When is it better to rest in the oven? 6546_7

The only lack of autumn compared to the same low season in the spring, is a short light day, still in the spring it is already long, but falls in the fall earlier and here it is necessary to decide what to do, a good output, if you allow money to visit the spa hut, after Which is very sweet sleep. Every day you can make both walk and climb on the chair lift (in the fall it is included on the request of the holidaymakers) walk in the mountains. Here it is much longer for children, you can run jump and do not worry for anything, you can go down to the resort through the fatone forest, tried to find white mushrooms, but besides, nothing came out, but many blueberry bushes were noticed, and it's all near the house.

Winter in Zaises

Communicating with the local residents and the administration of the resort, concluded that the winter here is mild everything for the same reason for the uniqueness of the climate and a low location, for example, Bukovel is at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. But nevertheless, the snow happens here, let's not as abundant on other resorts, the snow guns are coped with this problem, so the most important route is always snowed. Of course, professional skiers here will be bored and uninteresting, the tracks are designed for newbies, there is a special children's slide with a bugel lift next to the main building. After riding, evening time you can spend in a bath or in a cradle, from excursions in winter I recommend visiting the thermal pool to Beregovo.

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