What is worth viewing in Perpignan? The most interesting places.


Perpignan is located in a very picturesque area, surrounded by the apricots of pyrenees and green vineyards. Already the surrounding city of nature deserves considerable attention, although urban attractions are not less important to significance.

A real symbol and business card of the city is considered Fort Le Castillet. built back in 1368. The Watching Tower of the French conquest was rejected by Catalans, the field of French conquest was redested in the entrance gate with an adjacent prison and not preserved to the lifting bridge. Currently on the territory of the Red Brick Tower is located Museum of Catalan Art and Folk Traditions , telling about the culture of the region and acquainting his features and rich history. From the Overview Playground on the top tier tier offers a beautiful view of the city, impressive and inspiring.

What is worth viewing in Perpignan? The most interesting places. 65393_1

Majestic and very colorful is the pearl of old perpignan - Palace of the kings of Majorca built in the 13th century in the Gothic style for Jacques II. The first thing that sees the traveler, approaching the palace, is powerful defensive walls designed to protect the inhabitants of the fortified castle. They offer a panoramic view of the city and on the palace located inside the palace, to go to which it is impossible in any way, rather than through the gloomy barbican. I enter the well-kept inner courtyard, you can either inspect the ancient bell tower, or admire the palace interiors of the royal and throne halls, dining room and even the peace of the Queen. Some, however, more attracts to descend into the cracked dungeons of the castle, well, and someone like lifting the steep staircase on the high tower of honor, opening in front of the amazed travelers, stunning landscapes of the surroundings. Be that as it may, the Palace of the Kings of Mallorca is one of the most significant attractions of the city attracting numerous tourists. It is discovered for visiting daily, from 10.00 to 17.00 (in the summer months until 18.00), and the entrance ticket is worth 4 euros for adults and 2 for children.

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In addition to Verdun Square with Fort (or as it is also called - citadel) and located nearby the palace, a real possession of attractions is the area of ​​lies with the quarters adjacent to it. Getting acquainted with buildings located here, you can not pay attention to the unusual antique building, decorated with a sailboat. This building Sea Commercial Chamber Or the exchange, built in the 16th century (although construction began in the 14th century, it has repeatedly resumed, giving construction more and new features). Despite the fact that it does not fulfill its direct function today, because for so many centuries it has repeatedly changed its appointment - from the exchange to the theater - and nowadays you can admire it with architecture or have a good time in the traditional café. Nearby is the real pride of the medieval city - beautiful Town Hall built in Perpignan in the 13th century. And although most of the elements of the building visible now are 16-17th centuries, to this day, from the moment of its construction, the lobby has reached, which preserved the Spirit of the Middle Ages in his walls.

If you walk to Espland Square, you can see amazing Church of St. Mary. , built in the 16th century.

But the main, cathedral, the temple of the city is considered the majestic St. John the Baptist Cathedral (Cathedrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste), for which the construction of which went through several centuries. His construction continued from 1324 to 1509 and ended with the construction of extraordinary and architecture, and on the design of the building. The facade of the temple is finished with multi-colored brick and untreated river stone, and the inner interior is decorated with amazingly beautiful frescoes and window stained glass windows. A vintage altar, which has been preserved from the 16th century, and an organ, who has an ordinary melody, deserves considerably within the cathedral.

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Other popular attractions include Perpignan, you just need to highlight urban Train Station (2 Avenue du Général Charles de Gaulle), which, at one time, along the way from Spain, the world-famous surrealist Salvador was often arrived, which compared once this station with the "Center for Universe". It would seem anything not a noticeable building forever became connected with the name of the Great Artist, and on the urban legend he even participated in the design of her interior. Be that as it may, it is definitely worth looking here to see the very place that have repeatedly triggered Dali.

There are in Perpignan and not so famous, but no less interesting places. I would take the last Ruins of the Roman Forum belonging to 1 century to the new era. The fact is that 5 kilometers east of the center of the modern city, many years ago, the ancient Ruscino city was located later, which gave its name to the Region Rosyssillon. And although it came from him to this day, not so much, so far it is possible to see the remnants of buildings found by archaeologists with archaeologists, towering once over the plain mountains.

In addition, approximately three kilometers, but already south, from the city center you can find residues military fortress The 19th century, created in the vicinity of Perpignan, for its protection against the Spaniards, the truth, and not intimidated, and is essentially a real military town with bastions and barracks. It is noteworthy that in its construction in the Earth, the most valuable archaeological exhibits were found - vertebrate fossils whose age, according to scientists, reaches 3.5 - 4.5 million years.

The cultural attractions of Perpignan can be attributed to the Rigo Museum, in the collections of which the canvas are presented by the famous French masters from the 15th century to the present day, as well as the items of traditional Catalan art. It is located at 16 rue de l'Ang and works from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.30 to 18.00.

Walking on Perpignan, be sure to pay attention to his beautiful Parks One of the most popular among which is La Miranda, providing its visitors to stroll through the shady paths, ride a bike or even organize a small picnic.

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