What excursions worth visiting in Nepal?


Nepal - the part of the globe, where time freezes, there are no accurate addresses, and everything that happens makes sense. Tourists who fell into this unusual place must have clean thoughts and fully trust the local residents. Only so Nepal will open for guests and will show all his beauties. Many of them are concentrated in the Valley of Kathmandu, which includes three royal cities.

The essential number of ancient monuments and historical sites of Nepal is concentrated in the city of meditations, and part-time the capital of the Republic - Kathmandu . Therefore, the first to do travelers should go exactly here. And let street beggars, and the tart smell of incense do not confuse tourists. Since Kathmandu is rich in architectural and historical masterpieces. In their inspection and study will need at least two days. Watching the magnificent Palace of Singha-Darbar and the Durbar Square. By the way, the area with the same name is still in the two cities of Nepal. However, it is in Katmanskaya Square that you can see the most architectural attractions of the Middle Ages. Only here to visit the square is paid. Some unstring tourists fall on the square on the other hand absolutely free. Having come to Durbar, you can see another miracle of Nepal - a living Hindu goddess Tales. Her spiritual entity appears in people in the body of a small girl, periodically selected by 32 signs of flawlessness.

Those who want to visit shops with smoking accessories or non-traditional cafes can go to Fric Street. This street is located on the other side of the square.

It is not worthwhile to bypass a large temple complex Pashupatinath. In this place where life and death come into contact, tourists can look at yogis, hermits and monkeys. Visit the temple is paid.

An interesting monument and sacred place Kathmandu is Stupa Boddanath. It was built in the 6th century, and at the moment one of the largest stations in the world is recognized. Everyone can climb the patch and make a photo. You can bypass this monument only clockwise. Visit the stupa paid.

What excursions worth visiting in Nepal? 6534_1

The next interesting place for visiting can be the royal city Patan . Several religions were intertwined here and buildings of many cultures and times are presented. The Central Square, as in Kathmandu, is called Durbar. Only here, she is less knowledgeable, but much cleaner and more beautiful. Here you can visit the Golden Temple and the Royal Palace. In the temple there is a golden buddha statue and before entering it all visitors should pass leather storage items. Find the temple is quite problematic. It is hidden among residential buildings and there are no signs for this attraction. It is better to seek help to local residents, it will be easier and faster.

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For tourists, if desired, you can go to the Way of Mahabihar, to admire the amicable species of the valley and the whole city.

Given that everything comes in comparison, travelers should go to Bhaktapur . This city is different from all seen earlier. You can get to the city, just making a donation of $ 10. First, the air in this city is cleaner. Secondly, moving around Bhaktapur is allowed solely on foot. Thirdly, straight on the streets of the city are dried yarn, clay products and tcut carpets are manufactured. This is a non-standard spectacle, surprises tourists.

And, of course, as a trip to Nepal can do without visiting the city of Monastery Changu Narayan . Here come to bow to the Great Cherry, make photos of the Kathmandu Valley from the observation deck and buy the most real monastery souvenirs.

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Nepal is striking all travelers with its unknown, untouchability and novelty impressions. In my opinion, to the trip to Nepal, it is necessary to prepare morally. Since along with Buddhist temples and stups, mountain peaks and pagodas, travelers expect an unlocked streets and sleepy rickshairs. But all this can be survived when there is a desire to know and see the magic Nepal.

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