Useful information about rest in France.


Undoubtedly, visiting restaurants and cafes during the rest abroad- an integral part. By the way, there are several important rules that are the best to adhere to, while in catering establishments, as well as important moments.

Useful information about rest in France. 6533_1

Read, especially if you are going for the first time.

First, it is impossible to go to France and do not try french wine. The French love wine and very responsibly belong to his choice. Nothing amazing that wine is on the table during the whole lunch or dinner, and, by the way, different wines are often served at different stages of food intake. Do not be afraid to appeal to the waiter for help in choosing a wine - it is unlikely to tell you the most expensive to be welded at you. In France, about 30 thousand varieties of wine are produced. Therefore, on the label or even in the menu it often indicates a place where the wine was "born", say, Domaine or Chateau. Wines are divided into four categories. The best wine belongs to Appelation D'Origine Controlee.

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Wine with the signature "VIN DE PAYS" means that the wine is local. Be sure to try pink wine-pink azure shore. The most rare varieties of pink wines come from white (Bettet), in the valley of the rivers Nice and Var. If possible, try local wine from grapes "marriage" (this variety grows only here).

What are restaurants:

"Restaurant" is, as it is easy to guess, restaurant. This location is mostly French and Italian restaurants. In general, you can divide all restaurants on those where the portions are large, and gastronomic restaurants (Gourme or GastronomIQue) - portions are small and very beautifully decorated, and the prices are much higher, sort of tasting places.

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"BAR" - very rarely in the bar you can eat, mostly, it is served only light snacks, such as nuts or chips. Wine from the French, by the way, is taken to drink without snacks.

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"Creperie" (Fastener) - Pinnings

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"SELF SERVICE" - self-service café, which may, unlike most restaurants, the most varying kitchens of the world

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Brasserie (Brasserie) is a restaurant bar, where you can eat and just drink alcoholic beverages. They differ from the usual cafes of their commitment to old motives in the interior and service, that is the real French cafe.

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"TraitTeur" (flight) is a shop where you can buy ready-made dishes for removal, for example, ready hot dishes, cutlets, pancakes, salads, and here you can eat. Prices are fairly low here, that is, by 15-20 euros you can buy a whole mountain of food, which is enough for two meals in two.

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Well, and Café, Pizzeria - and so clear.

Now a couple of important points:

- Many restaurants close in the afternoon, namely, from 3 to 7 pm (that is, they open up to dinner, which begins as a rule, after 8 pm), as well as many restaurants and cafes are closed on Sundays and holidays.

- If in a good restaurant you only want to drink a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, take the place at the bar rack, if there is such available, or find the table, not a shining tablecloth - these tables are prepared for lunch and dinner.

- Most restaurants and cafes are closed at 10 or 11pm, so that further searching for a satisfying dinner can be limited to clubs or night restaurants

-The most cafe are non-alcoholic drinks in the evening rise in price. In some institutions it happens after 17:00, in others - after 21:00. Specify the waiter not to overpay (sometimes drinks are 2-4 times more expensive)

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-If you went to an expensive restaurant, better wait for the Metrotel or the waiter, so that he spent you to the table

- It is not accepted to plan to the busy table - this is not Germany, where long-term common tables in local pubs

-The consumption of drinks at the table above, rather than a bar counter

- In order not to make round eyes and do not collect hasty things and run out of the restaurant, looked around the price in the menu, it is better to find in advance about the login sign with an approximate menu and prices - there are even about some luxury restaurants

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- Case "A La Carte" means "optional", and "and Prix Fixe" is a combo lunch, breakfast or dinner with a fixed price - it turns out much cheaper, by the way. Breakfast, as a rule, consists of coffee, croissant and juice, and it costs from 5 to 8 euros. Lunch and dinner can be drawn up in different versions: snack + main dish (Entrée + Plat du Jour), main dish + drink (Plat du Jour + Boisson), main dish + dessert (Plat du Jour + Desserte).

By the way, you can choose something suitable from two or three presented to the main dish, and it will cost it at least 10 euros.

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- Please pour water from under the tap - quite a normal phenomenon, and from under the crane, no one is afraid of drinking

-Schedule the word "tip" - "Purbuar". Tips in France - the matter is completely ordinary, that is, no one almost never thinks about whether to give money or not, even if I ordered a tea cup, and this amount is 10%. In general, examine the score-if there is a signature "Service Compris", it means that the tips are already included in the account, but, of course, from kindness of spiritual, you can add a couple more bills to friendly waiters.

-Refer to the "Garson" waiter, and to the waitress "Mademoiselle" (although now many people write that because of the exacerbation of feminist directions, it is better not to sin with this word and contact only Madame)

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-Cearment in most cafes is prohibited, even behind street tables. Specify the waiter where you can smoke

-In the difference from other European countries, Wi-Fi is not a very common phenomenon in local cafes

- Avoid alcoholic drinks on the street is prohibited, like on the beaches

- If you dine with the French, try not to get out of the table (even, damn, in the toilet or even more so, talk on the phone), and if you need to leave before the dinner, be sure to warn in advance.

- The words "pleasant appetite" usually speaks the restaurant only the chef, who left the kitchen to the guests of the hall, so, it is better to save good instructions to the homeland

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- Oddly enough, you can not thank the waiter. Yes, yes, on the word "thank you" the waiter here is almost a ban - it is better to leave the tips at the end.

- In French restaurants, they do not particularly like to use a knife. That is, it is better to help yourself a piece of bread than to cut meat with a knife (but in general, it should be shaken).

-cup in French etiquette is better to eat with a sharp end of a spoon, and not from the side, if you do not want to choose a rustic

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- a bad tone - the devices to the top to the edge of the plate, and the bottom on the table - put them in a plate completely, and if you want to show that the dish is reduced, and you can attribute the devices parallel to the plate

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-tasi in the company of the French are not very accepted, well, and if you so want to say a good word, do not think about changing the glasses, it's better just raising them towards who toast is dedicated to

-Well, the elbows on the table are quite possible to fold the truth, only the ladies.

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- It is appropriate to contact unfamiliar people with the help of the words "monsie" / "Madame".

Here, these simple rules will help you navigate in France's restaurants. But, if you begin to worry and rebuild "on the way," a perfect confusion and confusion can come out. So, relax and enjoy (but within the normal range, of course, this is not Gelendzhik).

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