What is worth viewing in Montpellier? The most interesting places.


Montpellier is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful cities in southern France. Walking through his streets, you can infinitely admire the beautiful, majestic architecture and soft, gentle landscapes.

In the very center of the city is Square comedy . It is from here, as a rule, familiarity begins with the city. Here once was located the theater, which, unfortunately, burned down, but the name was fixed. The architecture impresses the greatness and beauty taken in the 18th century, when her ensemble has developed. In no place, perhaps, you will not see so many vacationers as here. After all, it is so nice to sit in a cozy cafe, enjoy the freshness splashing one of the fountains or start your trip through the pedestrian streets starting exactly from here ...

What is worth viewing in Montpellier? The most interesting places. 65316_1

Crowded usually on Esplanade Charles de Gaulle located north of the comedy square. Here you can walk along the shady alleys, sit on the bench, admiring the playing fountains, find interesting souvenirs or dine in one of the restaurants.

Another pride of the city is Botanical Garden , oldest in all France. It was founded back in 1593 and gives the opportunity to admire the wonderful plants brought here from all over the world.

What is worth viewing in Montpellier? The most interesting places. 65316_2

No less interesting among tourists, especially in small, will cause and Zoo Lunar Supporting free to post the wovets of Lviv or Bears or for the fee to pass into the inner part of the park, where the most exotic animals are presented.

With the ancient history of the city you can get acquainted in Aragon Quarter existing in the 12th century. By narrow streets you can get to the fortress walls with the only surviving viewing tower of twenty-five. In place of the existing fortress later, elegant streets and boulevards appeared later. From the oldest buildings to this day preserved the majestic Saint Paul's Cathedral , built in the 14th century in the Gothic style and rebuilt for his story several times.

Another famous landmark of the city is Park Peyer. With water tower, built in 1768 and opening a wonderful panoramic view of the city. The park itself was broken in Montpellier in the 17th century in memory of the King Sun Louis XIV. Nowadays, the park with elegant alleys and elegant fountains is considered to be a favorite site of walking inhabitants and guests of the city.

What is worth viewing in Montpellier? The most interesting places. 65316_3

No less popular with tourists is and Quarter Antigona allowing you to enjoy aesthetics ancient Greek architecture. He was built up from the 70s until 2000 and extends now from the Triumphal Arch to the Olympic Basin and the Municipal Library. On the streets wearing the relevant names - Dionysus Street, Fessals, etc. - can see copies of famous antique sculptures. This place really deserves attention and hardly leave someone indifferent.

What is worth viewing in Montpellier? The most interesting places. 65316_4

If possible, you need to see the beautiful castles of Montpellier. Not far from the historic center of the city there is a picturesque Castle Bjonne , built at the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries and being a rather prestigious and expensive hotel today. It is impossible not to mark and Faserg Castle , surrounded by an excellent park, affecting its scale and elegance.

Among the most visited museums of the city can be allocated Museum of History Montpellier and Art Museum Fabra founded by a famous painter in 1828 and named in his honor.

The city really amazes with its beauty and some uniqueness. There are many places that are equal to which you are unlikely to meet somewhere else.

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