What is worth viewing in Lyon? The most interesting places.


Lyon is considered the second largest city in France, which has a richest history, which has begun in fact many centuries ago. Therefore, we can say that the main attractions of this city cover the period from the ancient buildings to the most bold modern architecture. The territory of the city occupies a fairly decent size, so to see the most important thing, visit medieval churches, as well as student areas, to visit the observation platform and be sure to look into an unusual zoo, it is necessary to specifically make a plan for such an inspection.

It is best to start with the inspection of the old part of the city, since the streets of Old Lyon are his heart, because it is here that the historical buildings of the Middle Ages and Renaissance are best preserved. It is noteworthy that for this period, the most powerful flowering of the city was coming, and his appearance was formed. So the quarters of Old Lyon are not only unique from a historical point of view, but are also among the most well-preserved medieval areas in Europe.

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In the Middle Ages, this place was considered the center of Lyon, because the main cathedrals were held here, then the royal residence, well, besides them, a huge number of stores were held here and fairs were held here. At the beginning of the 20th century, oddly enough, all these quarters wanted to demolish, but a special organization intervened in this case, which timely reviewed the most powerful tourist potential in this area, so now the old Lyon is under UNESCO protected.

It can be noted that in the small territory of this quarter managed to accommodate a fairly decent number of attractions. One of them is considered the house of lawyers - this is a whole complex of buildings that are built in a peculiar Tuscan style with beautiful arches in the Renaissance era. At the beginning of the 20th century, this complex was also under threat of demolition, but nevertheless, the board of lawyers of the city completely managed to renovate the building, and in her honor it actually got its name. To date, this building is the Miniature Museum.

Saint-Jean's cathedral recalls that once the old Lyon was also the center of the spiritual life of the entire region. This cathedral is now the main cathedral of Lyon, and he was built from the XII to the XIV century, so the influence of both Romance style and Gothic is clearly traced in his architectural look. Be sure to go inside the cathedral, since there are the oldest astronomical watches of the XIV century, which, oddly enough, very accurately show the time so far. And in front of the input of the Cathedral, you can see the archaeological excavations of the VI and XI centuries.

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One of the most popular sights of Lion is the Basilica Notre Dame de Fourviere, which towers over the old quarters on the Hill of the same name. It was built relatively recently - in the second half of the XIX century in a surprisingly beautiful non-agitant style. Earlier in this place was the more ancient temple of the XII century, but, unfortunately, only one tower remained from him. Look at the basil to admire the incredibly beautiful numerous mosaics. On the hill you can rise in several ways - either on foot from the house of lawyer through the park, or through Cleberg Street, or on the funicular from the Cathedral of Saint-Jean. Best of all, of course, climb from the house of lawyers, because it fell completely not difficult and you will pass through a very picturesque Park Ozor. And on the way you will see a few more interesting sculptures and you will go a beautiful species

Do not forget to admire the best view of the entire city of Lyon, both at its center and remote areas. And hence perfectly visible and skyscrapers located in Part Dieu. Actually, it was on this hill in ancient times and the Roman city of Lugdun was founded, from which the story of Lyon is essentially begins. From that time ago, the remains of the antique theater of the first century remained on the hill, which are located near Basilica. Well, next to this theater there is a Museum of Gallo-Roman civilization.

Next, you should visit the PRESKIL - this is the actual peninsula, which is surrounded by two rivers Sona and Rona. He began to be active in the XVIII century, and a gradual manner of the city from the streets of Old Lyon began to move it here. There is also a very dense concentration of interesting places and monuments, and both in classical and in a modern style, so in order to stroll through the peninsula, you should pay this at least most of the day.

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The central square of Lyonda is located on the precillance and there is also a huge ferris wheel, which is well visible from many areas of the city. On this area you can see the monument to Louis XIV, and around the area there is a large number of cafes and shops. Lovers of shopping will love a walk through the streets of De La republics and President Carno. Well, if you want to visit a bar or restaurant, then go on the street Tomasan, MEE and NA parallel to them. On Belkur Street, you will notice a small, but very important monument to the great writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, who is a native of Lyon.

No less important landmarks of the PRESTOR PRESTOR is the church of the Saint-Name. This is a very old construction multiplely destroyed and rejected again. In its architectural style, the influence of both the Gothic style and the Renaissance is clearly traced. There must certainly go inside to admire carved departments, stained glass and high vaults.

In the northern part of the peninsula there is the first district and the cereal-russian student area - it is very pleasant places for walking, in which there are also quiet atmospheric alleys, and noisy streets with a lot of cafes and students. Next, you need to go to the Torro Square, where there are several interesting points for inspection. First of all, this is the Lyon Town Hall, which became the urban and administrative center immediately after the city center moved here. The building is unusually beautiful with a richly decorated facade, in the creation of which an architect who designed the Versailles palace participated. Opposite the Town Hall is the Bartholdi fountain with a very impressive composition. It consists of four horses, which symbolize the main French river - Ron, Sonu, Seine and Loire. To date, this fountain is one of the symbol of Lyon.

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The peninsula is completed by the fusion of the rivers of the Sons and Rhones. Literally in the past few years, many new residential buildings, offices, as well as a museum, among which are as well as successful copies have been built in this place. Pay your attention to the Church of St. Blandina Lyon, which is located near the same bus station. And you still have to look at the Ampere Square, which has a monument to this scientist, also a native of Lyon.

After you learn the historic areas of the city, you can begin to survey the more modern left bank. Immediately visit the Tet d'Or. It is pretty large in size in the park, in which there are a botanical garden and zoo. It is very unexpected that in this such as a typical city park there is a zoo with lions, Grizzly, and even oddly enough Red Panda. It's nice that the entrance and the park itself, and in the zoo is completely free.

In general, on this bank of the river, there are not so many attractions, but here there are skyscrapers, shopping centers and inexpensive ethnic cafes. From the unusual places of the city you can note a copy of the third tier of the Eiffel Tower, which is located on the hill of the Fourier near the Basilica. And then, when you walk through the center of Lyon, you will very often meet the frescoes on the most different themes.

For example, such a wall of weaves, which is essentially considered the largest European fresco. On another wall, you can see all the main Lyon historical figures - writers, politicians and even a small prince Saint Exupery. Walking on Lyon You will not be able to notice how very nice trams run on it. The tram network in this city appeared in the XIX century, and even at that time was considered quite large on European standards, well, today the tram network of the city is developing again.

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