Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville?


In order to feel the spirit of life Dovivil You need to plunge into the history of this town. I want to tell you about the emergence of this resort

Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville? 65147_1

In 1850, in the town called Trunville, located on the coast of La Mans, arrived Duke of Morney . I arrived, solely on the recommendation of my doctor Olif, who had a villa here. Dr. Dr., but also a person is not very simple, except for medical practice, the doctor was passionate about the gambling business. In a small town, Dr. opened the little, but his own casino. Casino, unfortunately, did not use the doctor, great popularity. At that time, only poor fishermen lived in the proud, and the place was not attractive for wealthy bourgeois. In principle, the outstand, what to look for.

The duke arrived in Trouville, looked around and made the decision that Dovilie did he like more, the more so then it is necessary to go over the bridge over the river Tuk, 5 minutes and you are in Deauville.

And it does not surprise. After all, there is an old, popular in those days, French is not very decent, joke. Rich bourgeois kept their wives in Deauville, and their mistresses in Podville.

Duke de Morney, fascinated by the silence, sea air, repulsive streets and empty beaches can not cope with its vital energy and inborn enterprise. If the doctor prescribed, it means that it is necessary to establish a seaside fashion resort.

Duke without thinking, buys coastal lands, takes money for the construction of another relative Anatoly Demidoff . (You don't remind you of this name?) - Paris banker, patron, prince of San Donato province, by the way, the former ambassador to the Russian Empire in France.

Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville? 65147_2

The beginning of the 1860s - the resort is practically built and ready to accept everyone who sent the doctor.

De Morney Not forgotten to notify all the newspapers and magazines of Paris about it. And most importantly, it had successful consequences, the entire bourgeois Paris believed that this place and the coast, the best place to be corrected, their shameless in Swear Paris, health.

Then followed visits to Dovilo Napoleon III (Summary Brother of the Duke), representatives of the imperial courtyard and the richest bourgeoisie. The duke turned out to be very nehall and his commercial wheel was twisted. Prices for Earth in Deauville flew into the sky.

In connection with the inclination of the "residents" in 1863, a railway appeared connecting Trunville and Paris. And all the suffering came to once the unknown, forgotten by God, the Normandskoe place, were able to get here for some 6 hours.

Deauville was built up with luxurious, aristocratic villas and palaces. Earth for construction cost fabulous money.

But the duke did not stop, entertainment is needed at the Sea Resort. The gambling player himself is the duke and opens the first casino in Deauville. Wealthy people need like leisure. The first casino in Deauville was open in July 1864. Hurray Duke! But an unexpected, resort happened, the doctor prescribed ... A few months after the opening of the casino de Morney died

Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville? 65147_3

No de Morney .. and the resort comes to launch, 1885, even the casino closes. And in 1892 the casino building simply demolished.

The story of Deauville was needed for what would arrive in this town, you were able to enjoy his story and past. To us to tourists, often not for pocket to stop in such fashionable places. But everyone has the right to walk, take pictures, watch, swim in La Manche and sunbathe on the beach with registered cabins.

Now you know the story of Deauville and I will tell you about the modern life of this resort.

The most memorable one. The film "Male and Woman" of Claude Leluca was filmed in Deauville.

You can meet the names of all who visited the names of all the celebrities on the seafront.

Here you can lose or buy a bunch of money, playing at races. See polo and ride horses. Play or win the casino, see the famous multicolored beach umbrellas.

Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville? 65147_4

Rest in Deauville: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Deauville? 65147_5

View Easter Festival, Regato, Visit Book Salon, Bridge Championship, See old car rally and celebrate Christmas on the balcony.

Come look at Deauville, penetrate him with sea air and you will undoubtedly love this town. Madly dear, but very attractive. I still have something to tell about Dovfulie, if it is interesting, I will write.

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