What excursions worth visiting in Mogilev?


Once in Mogilev, be sure to get acquainted with its main attractions and culture. The Dnieper region has a very rich history and a great heritage. In addition to the inspection of the city during an independent acquaintance or a "Mogilev Overview Tour", you can look at the city on the other hand, visiting the tours of thematic (for example, the "temples of Mogilev" or "Mogilev during the Great Patriotic War"), as well as visit interesting places, Located not far from the city. After all, the Mogilev region is a real storehouse of fascinating, but little-known tourists, towns, towns and monuments.

You can order an excursion in one of the travel agencies involved in the organization of tours of Belarus. It will make it easier for this in the tourist office "Satellite" (on Tanya Karpinskaya Street), "MogilevTurist" (Hotel "Tourist" on Pushkin Avenue) or "Mogilevoblist" (in the building of the Palace of Sports on the Peace Avenue). In addition, you can use the services of a private guide with an appropriate license.

So, what can I see and where can I drive, stopping at least a few days in Mogilev?

About 70 kilometers from Mogilev is Slavgorod , or ancient propoisk. In its surroundings there is a unique natural monument - Blue Crnica , obtained its name thanks to the extraordinary color of water. Thousands of people who believe in the miraculous power of water are coming here every year. And indeed, the atmosphere in this place reigns indescribable, and the water is truly refreshing. By the way, Critique is considered one of the wonders of Belarus, since this is not only the largest spring in the country, but also a unique natural source entering the surface of the Earth from 100 - 200 meter depths through ancient chalk deposits. It's hard to believe in it, but it really is.

In addition, a Christian story is connected with Crinic, because according to the legend it is in her order of Prince Vladimir at the end of the 10th century, radiramics were baptized, losers in the battle against the Kiev Prince. Since then, every year on August 14 (Honey Savior Day), countless people comes here and services are held in memory of those great events for the Orthodox Church and local residents. And although this is a really worthwhile event, come to Krinitsa better at another time, so that nothing bothered to enjoy it with pristine beauty and greatness.

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On the way from Slavgorod, be sure to turn the pointer " Forest "After all, here there is a memorial complex dedicated to brave soldiers who won in the hard battle of the French during the Patriotic War of 1812 with Napoleon.

East of Mogilev, almost on the border with Russia, there is another ancient city of Belarusian land - Mstislavl . Founded in the 12th century, he still keeps evidence of its power and the legendary past. Walking along his land, it seems that I got into the historic reserve, where every building and every corner has its own story. Among the most famous sights of Mstislavl, the castle mountain, which annually holds knightly fests, a unique Jesuit church and the most interesting churches. True, many buildings in the city are in a deplorable state, but their greatness and beauty conquer.

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On the 10th kilometers from the city there is another unique place. it Pusty Holy Assumption Monastery . Founded by the 14th century by the Mstislav Prince Lugven after the insight in the place of the wonderful source, he was a sacral and inspired place for a long time not only for the residents of Mstislavl himself, but also for people living far from him. Since ancient times, people stretched here, and the source and the monastery itself survived countless wars and destruction. Once in launching in Soviet times, the monastery received a second life thanks to the monks who came here, which in the early 2000s took up a difficult restorative case. By the way, after their arrival, on the wall of one of the buildings (in the room where they settled) was manifested by the non-manual face of Jesus Christ. Every day he became more clear, and today he can see him everyone who came to the monastery.

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And although work still continues to restore the territory of the monastery, the most part of the work has already been done. The residential premises and the bell tower were restored, the source was cleared, and the font and a small chapel was rebuilt near it. So tired travelers can not only pray or stay on the miraculous desert air, but also refreshing in the legendary water. Having been in this place, I want to say that such a feeling like in the deserts, I have not experienced anywhere (although there is a lot of classroom). When you step on the earth of the monastery, it seems that it is breathing differently, the body is gaining strength, and the mind is lit.

If you drive from Mogilev in the northern direction, then 20 kilometers, it is possible to be in the so-called "capital of cucumbers" - Shklov . There, it is possible not only to inspect the ancient buildings (for example, a cathedral, towering in the city center, a former town hall or a picturesque park), but also take pictures from an unusual monument in the form of a funny cucumber. And if you do not stop on the achieved and overcome another 15 - 17 kilometers in the direction of Alexandria, then you can be in the small homeland of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko and look at the old wooden school building in which he once studied. Near Alexandria is an ancient digger, which appeared on the map in the 11th century and preserving the remains of the medieval settlement.

No less attention also deserves another district center - Bykhov in which the Castle Complex is relatively well preserved, and the city's largest after Mogilev - Bobruisk.

There are on Mogilev and picturesque natural attractions that are striking with their beauty. Of course, Chigirinsky reservoir located 50 kilometers from the city in Bobruse and Lake Rueja (about 20 kilometers across the chassic highway). Arriving on the Chigirin reservoir, on the shores of which many recreation databases and the village of Chechevichy spread out, you can sunbathe on the beach, wander around the neighborhood, and most importantly - to ride a boat or be afraid of fish. The lake is really impressive, huge and very colorful. By choosing it for a picnic or fishing, you won't lose and get a lot of pleasant moments. On ore, it is also possible to glorify well, however, for a beach holiday, it is unlikely to suit.

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Thus, the Mogilevschina is very interesting in itself. Here are the mass of standing places that can be visited during your stay in Mogilev. In addition, the Belarusian transport network is well developed, and the country is not so big. Therefore, even during one day, with the same success of Mogilev, you can visit other iconic places of Belarus - Minsk or Polotsk, Gomel or the world with Nesvizh and much more.

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