What is worth looking at Khanga?


Most often, tourists are sent to the island of Ko Chang, preferred natural beauty, and not a stormy nightlife. On the island there are a real paradise, lighted in the Siamese bay with almost untouched nature. Civilized areas of the island connects the only way caowning through the major half to Chang.

The first thing travelers should make a sightseeing tour of the island. It is necessary in order to understand what sights to Chang deserve more attention, and what can be viewed superficially.

The island has an equipped observation deck in the Lonely Beach beach area. Get to it easier on the rented scooter. This is a noticeable place, so it is very difficult to skip the platform. With it there are wonderful views of the Siamese bay and small nearby islets. The most beautiful types of tourists can see at sunset.

Chapel Chao Po

On the island there is an unmatched Chinese-style chapel, the entrance to which is decorated with two stone elephants. Locals argue that in this place the spirit is inhabited, patronizing the islanders and protecting Khang from the troubles. In order to feel His presence, you should visit the chapel. Entrance to those wishing free.

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Buddhist Temple Wat Klong Prao (Wat Klong PRAO)

On the main street of Klong Prao Island, close to the pier is the White-Golden Temple of Wat Klong Poo. It is made in the classic Thai style and is an important sanctuary for all Thai. The inner interior of the temple is made in accordance with all the features of Buddhism. Travelers are given the opportunity to make a desire after hitting the sacred drum and sticking the gold foil to the Buddha statue. Tourists can visit the temple absolutely free. However, those who want to receive donations in this place.

In order to get inside the sanctuary, you need to cover your shoulders and legs. For tourists with bare feet near the temple, there is a rental service of sargs. Moreover, the legs need to cover both men and women.

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In the interruptions between the inspection of historical and memorable places, the island of travelers can visit Mangrove groves. Walk among the trees will take place on the paths towering over the water. And after her, guests are still able to call on plantations with pineapples, Durian and Pamela.

Thailand Navy Museum

Once upon an island, you can visit the Military Museum. It contains a exposition that tells about hostilities with the participation of the sea fleet of Thailand with France. On the roof of the museum building installed a statue of Prince Chumansky. It was thanks to him that he had a decisive battle near Koh Chang Island. Tourists will be interested to look at the spectacular event that happens near the statue from January 17, January, when the islanders allow wreaths on the water. At this time, local residents honor the memory of the Prince and other dead heroes of Thailand.

Diving lovers will be interested in diving in the water of Salak Peth Bay Bay, where since 1921, remains the remains of the sunken French vessel.

National Park with Waterfalls

Almost 80% of the island is part of the National Park. It includes waterfalls, limestone caves and coral reefs near the island. Tourists will be remembered for a trip to the tropical jungle. Among all waterfalls, Khlong Plu deserves attention. It is located in the western part of the island near the beach of Klong Glu. From parking to the waterfall to be held on foot about 2.5 km and a picturesque picture will appear before the travelers. Twenty meter flow of water, falling on three cascades, it turns out in a small natural bowl. Even if the weather is hot, and the waterfall is small, its founding tourists will see the crystal clear lake. It is ideal for swimming in the heat. Those who wish will be able to climb the path to the top of the waterfall, to admire the views of the island and the park from above.

It works the park daily from 8:00 to 16:00. A ticket for an adult costs 250 baht, a children's ticket will cost 100 baht.

Fishing village Bang Bao

With the culture and traditions of the island, travelers can get acquainted during a visit to the fishing village. Bang Bao is a remarkable place is a lighthouse. Snow-white building with an unusual roof bangs on the pier. There are beautiful photos near the beacon. Also, tourists will be able to look at the wooden houses "on the legs" and to enjoy the unusually cooked gifts of the sea. You can get to the village by boats from Dan Kao Pier Pier for 150 baht.

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And, of course, all tourists must be visited clean beaches with transparent water. Only so journey to the island will be full.

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