What excursions worth visiting in thessaloniki?


The city of Thessaloniki is founded by the King of Macedonia Cassandrom in 315 G.D. N.E. His wife - Thessalonika - came with a summary sister Alexander Great. In her honor, the city was named, which united twenty-six small villages in herself, which in those days were located in the thermal bay.

At night, the city is not sleeping, on the contrary - only wakes up. There are a large number of nightly institutions. For a whole year, you can see theatrical shows, musical performances, the fall of the culture festival is held in the fall. Every September can be visited at the International Exhibition - fair, where local and foreign manufacturers are represented by their products, thousands of firms are among the participants.

In this article we will look at some excursions organized in this Greek resort.


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Ride on thermal sources Lutra Posar

A hundred kilometers from the city, in the green forest on the top of the verais, on the river thermopotamos (its name means "warm river") there are thermal sources - Lutra Posar. In this place is a hydraulician, in which there is everything that is necessary to ensure therapeutic procedures. As for the sources - there are two reservoirs here, one of them is natural, even a natural waterfall is available on it, it is divided in one part - in one part flows warm water, and in the other - cold. Water stream will provide tourists with a beautiful massage. Water has a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. You will experience pleasure from this trip - the wonderful nature of the mountains, transparent air and healing sources that beat from everywhere - will be a lie.

Such excursions are organized every day of the week, from 09:00 to 18:00, take six hours in time. The group is usually from one to three tourists, the cost of the trip is from 250 euros.

Excursion: Eternal City

The trip starts from the temple of St. Dimitria. The view of the five-foot basilica will impress you immediately. She was erected where in the old days he died in the martyrdom of Saint Dimitri Solunsky. Then a large church was erected in this place. At different periods of the Basilica suffered from fire, then it was rebuilt, decorated with a mosaic and frescoes. One of the rarities in this temple is cancer with the saints of St. Dimitri Solunsky, as well as six mosaics, happily survived the time of iconocrust.

Many have the opinion that the sighting ride around the city is only suitable for those who have not enough time, but this does not correspond to the truth. The organization of a sightseeing excursion is possible in a complex of a full-fledged tourist tour - taking into account individual wishes, if it is developed specifically for the customer. It is possible to adjust the program according to your desire.

One of the excursion points is the White Tower - Honored City Symbol. The tower climbs on the coast in the Gulf and welcomes those who come to the city by sea. In the old time there was a prison for convicted to death, the abode of Janchar, the Museum in which you can see the extensive collection of coins are opened here.

White Tower:

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The next excursion object -trimpal arch, which is famous as the personification of victory over Persian Shah. Many visitors admire the magnificence of this construction, which previously consisting of two walls and the dome, from which only one wall was saved in our days, which indicates the path to the tomb of the emperor and to the Palace.

It also looks like a rotunda - to this day it is truly unknown, for which purpose it served, but for most it is the majestic architectural building of antiquity. It was erected in the ninth century of our era.

After inspecting this attraction, our excursion is sent by the Byzantine temples located in the city. The program is planned individually. Mean of modern homes are church and temple buildings that deserve your attention. In addition to the Cathedral of St. Dimitria, as an impressive and temple of Saint Sophia.

His most important wonder is a very large mosaic cloth, which depicts the Ascension of Christ, and besides this - a mosaic with the Mother of God, which sends on the throne and holds a little Christ in her hands. From the location of this temple overlooks the central urban part.

Against the Aristotle Square is the Church of Panagia Halkeon, or the temple of the Virgin of Mednov, and inside the construction of Christopher's grave is the one who founded it.

The latest object on this excursion will be the most ancient basilica of the East Roman Empire Achiphipitos - a non-manual temple.


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A trip will end in the Roman Forum, which was found during the work - the construction of the Palace of Justice - in the sixties. Initially, the city market was here.

Such excursions organize every day - from 09:00 to 18:00, in time they occupy six hours. In the group - from one to four tourists, cost - from 140 euros.

Excursion: Walk in historical places

Tourists also offer another version of a sightseeing tour of the city of Thessaloniki, who is called the Northern Greek capital. This is a city in which art and culture reigns, the beauty of the Byzantine buildings is striking. There is everything you need to tourists - the ancient city market, Acropolis, Monastic and church construction, museums, there are exhibitions and festivals, rest offer parks and restaurants, shops and bars ...

This trip starts on Aristotle Square. We will pass through the modyano market, we will visit the excavations of the ancient Agora, we will rise to the temple of St. Dimitri, and we will also visit the Church of Hagia Sophia and the Mother of God. Then - Impressive thanks to his bas-reliefs, the triumphal arch gallery, then keep the path to the Navarina Square, on which there are many taverns and bars. If you want, they attempt in one of these institutions. After that, we go to the White Tower, and from her - to the upper city with the ruins of the city wall located there. From here we will admire the beautiful scenery of the city of Thessaloniki and thermal bay. The trip ends in the Cosmos Mediteriano Shopping Center.

The price includes a transfer from the hotel and back after completing the trip - provided that if you stayed in the city. These excursions are held on any day of the week - from 09:00 to 18:00, in time, take four hours. The group is usually from one to three tourists, the price of the excursion is from 130 euros.

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