Should I go to Yaremche?


Yaremich's cities are located off the coast of Rei Prut, it is surrounded by mountain ranges from all sides and is essentially the main tourist center of Vicarpathia with unique climatic conditions. For the first time, the city is mentioned in the ancient chronicles of the 17th century and is associated with the name of the anniversary of the one, its founder.

Parcarpathia is a completely different Ukraine, without concerned citizens, forever running on their affairs. This is a protected area, a corner of a nine clean nature, the splendor of coniferous forests and mountain arrays. The beauty of this, I will not be afraid of this word, climatic, national resort is just indescribable.

Should I go to Yaremche? 6443_1

In the city, excellent infrastructure, the mass of all sorts of hotels, private pensions where you can comfortably and not stop. But why go to a climatic resort and stops in the city itself, for such cases, pensions of mini hotels and private pensions in the heart of the magnificent Carpathian nature are needed. We also began to forget our roots, inspelling them in the stone jungle. And falling into such a great place, admire the beauty of the pristine nature, as if reuniting with the mother nature.

Rested in the city of Yaremche for the first time, because they were preparing respectively. Personally shifted the entire Internet in search of decent housing, so that not far from the city (in terms of stores), but also in sufficient remoteness from the city bustle and noise.

Alternatively, I can recommend a private pension "Aura Carpath". We, the children of stone jungle simply impossible to describe this fabulous place, such beauty around. The boarding house itself is built completely from the tree, in the national, Hutsul style with all the smallest national attributes. Beautiful comfortable rooms with decent living conditions. In the rooms, the entire desired set of comfort, ranging from a beautiful equipped bathroom with a shower to wonderful furniture, made again from the tree, as if under the order. Therefore, the rooms are constant fragrance of forest and coniferous trees. And from the balcony, it opens just a chic view of the mountains.

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At the expense of nutrition, again no problems arose. In the boarding house perfectly equipped kitchen with all the necessary kitchen inventory, where everyone can prepare everything that wishes himself. But I would like to recommend, still refuse cooking and eat in the boarding house. Such a delicious national food you will not try anywhere else. Pension cooks are above all praise, dishes are so tasty - so much dear. And all the products are the freshest, and dairy products are one admiration. It is in the guesthouse that you can find out the real taste of milk and cottage cheese, all presents, and not on chemicals and supplements with supper. And tea, fragrant, fragrant from collecting various mountain herbs. Ceylon "from a broom", and near did not roll. Did not forget the administration and the comfort of their holidaymakers. A beautiful sauna with a huge pool has been built on the territory of the boarding house. In general, all conditions have been created for a decent family residence. By the way, and in the city is not far away. 15-20 minutes walk, well, or on a personal vehicle, respectively, much faster. And what the air is simply impossible. In the morning you are met by the singing of birds and the murmur of the mountain river, looking at the window simply "Would you" from the beauty of the Carpathian nature.

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The most amazing mosquito was not.

In addition to simple rest, you can visit the commemorative places of the Vicarpathia, and there are plenty of them here. The most popular destination for tourists and holidaymakers is the "Probii" waterfall.

Should I go to Yaremche? 6443_4

It is located on the river Prut, which takes his beginning far in the mountains. A unique and picturesque waterfall is almost in the very center of the city therefore tourists here are always fully, not looking at the weather conditions and time of year. Water River Prut Cascade flows from 8 meters altitudes and to admire this beauty, over the waterfall itself perk. Immediately you can take pictures, changing into national, Hutsul costumes. Near the waterfall largest in the city, the market of souvenir products.

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But it is here to buy not advice, not because the souvenirs are bad - just expensive. In the yarem itself, similar things are much cheaper.

I advise you to visit the Museum of Ethnography and Ecology, but it is like an amateur who likes to dig in history. I recommend, necessarily admire the local, natural zoo. Total 10 UAH. For pleasure with the hands of feeding the noble deer, look at wild boars, the mass of pleasures especially the defector.

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And in no case, do not deny yourself the pleasure to wander the wonderful paths of the Carpathian forests. In the neighborhood of the city of Yaremcha there is a legendary trail of Dovbush and the eponymous reserve with rocks. Being in the rocky complex Dovbush not only informative, but also useful. These stone blocks are located in the center of the beech forest, close to the village of Bubnishch. Here are excursion tours, but you can go on your own, it is advisable to find a conductor to find the explorer to get lost. The height of rocky gigids sometimes reaches 80 meters. In these rocks, Niche was joined, where they lived and hid from the persecutors himself Dovbush, and his "Guard". So, when it was caught, the body was cut on 12 parts and scattered through the forest and on the legend all these parts turned into a stone. There is a legend that to a stone heart you need to touch, certainly left, that in the end it is not clear, but the stone symbolizing the heart of the national hero is sharpened to shine.

The most interesting part in the excursion to the Rocks of Dovbush is a passage through "purgatory". This is a narrow LAZ (centimeters 30) between not tightly adjacent scalps. So, through this LAZ, it is necessary to sort and that you, as it were, are cleaned from all the negative. The most interesting thing is that no matter how much you walked through the forest, nor climbed in the mountains - tired as such is not. Crystal clear air, magnificent nature you just - however, forget about fatigue.

Should I go to Yaremche? 6443_7

In the evening, in the boarding house, a hot sauna, mocking the road dust, and a hot barbell, cooked immediately in the courtyard, on the grind and drinking the whole thing of the local tincture on mountain herbs, only improve the mood from rest.

By the way, 30 kilometers from the city of Yaremcha are magnificent ski resorts Bukovel and Worokhta. I will not get to them to work, besides in the city of Yaremcha there are points of ski equipment rental. It will be much cheaper than to rent in Bukovel.

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