Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov?


Ochakov left so many negative memories that not even perceived as a resort. I will begin with the fact that the village of Ochakov is located in the Nikolaev region and in theory there must be at least some sideways, even the edge in contact with the wonderful and gentle black sea. Yes. Contacts, but by limitary. Pure, sea water on such a pseudo resort is rare, as a holiday. During the rest of the time, the half-live water of the estuary is washes "one name of the beaches" of this "resort" place.

Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov? 64202_1

Rest, if it can be called a rest along the Travel of the trade union, we ourselves did not come here for any rugs here, just a sorry for money.

But everything is in order.

The chic bus brand "Neulatin" brought us to the pension "surf". Beautiful landscaped area of ​​the boarding house struck her cleanliness and order. Among the greenery of the trees, the 3-storey building "The Soviet Union" building is cozy, slightly shabby, but with traces of cosmetic repair in some places.

Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov? 64202_2

But the joy was not a long, it turned out that we are not here, a little further (for the main building) where one-story, swollen houses lined up nearby nearby. But we must pay tribute to the administration of the boarding house. Having a meager budget of funding tourist throat, the lack of helping regional authorities in general and in general, she managed to preserve that little and even more or less maintain a decent order.

The minimum of comfort in the "cozy houses" was the presence of beds, tables and bedside tables. Such a resort asceticism.

Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov? 64202_3

I would like to say again. We are not a claim to the boarding house, they did everything they could, at least managed not to spill the existing, but to save and even in some places to dry out. Naturally talk about the presence of more "advanced" comfort has no meaning. All conditions "in the yard", and washbasins for 10 pieces on one side of the wall, 10 pieces on the other. About the soul at any time - only in dreams. The queue to it as in the mausoleum. But what to want more from the trade union trips, budget recreation with a minimum of comfort. But the dining room pension is above all praise. Feed as if the last time. Portions are huge and food is quite tasty. This does not take away. Food is delivered to a high level. But the point is not that we were settled in so ascetic conditions. It's all in the resort (sea, beach) and entertainment industry. But this in Ochakov is not at all. From our boarding house, the asphalt track was led to the beach - if it can be called the beach. "Trashka", "Lumping" with a partial embosit of sand - this is what the beach is called the beach.

Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov? 64202_4

Dilapidated steps leading to the "shore with incomprehensible water" is the embankment in Ochakovsk. Dirt Paper, fish cigarette, broken bottles Everything is a mixture with sand and last year, tina met us on the shore. Really put the bedspread there is no place so much. I understand perfectly well that all this garbage divorced the holidays themselves, they, and only they need to blame, but you need to even clean it a little, try to somehow reflect the beach. No service. There are no sun beds, no umbrellas, nothing. There is no rescue station, although in the neighborhood another 3-4 pension plus the private sector. What is surprising for the "resort" on the "Beach" only two sellers of "goodies" walked, and not a vintage - as in civilized resorts. Nobody bought them anything, and they went. Closer to the late afternoon, the poor walkers did not sell anything, they themselves sang their "yummy" to bury the husks from shrimp and the cochanis of last year's corn in the sand.

Sea (sorry for inaccuracy) Liman also did not even please. Semi-water water, muddy with an unpleasant smell. To swim in more or less clean water, you must sail from the shore of 150-200 meters. In a word, swimming in a rural lake is approximately such sensations.

Rest in Ochakov: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ochakov? 64202_5

There was another option. In the morning, a small boat comes, which for a very impressive fee is lucky of all holidaymakers on the spit, to the real Black Sea, on real beaches. But since the Pierce (there is no break-cutter to which the boat could be moored), this appearance stopped where she is comfortable, and to hit the board it was necessary to go to the Katera. Agree, with children in hand, on the neck in the water somehow it is not entirely convenient to climb on the ladder.

There are practically no entertainment. One summer bar and a nightclub in which more than 10 people visitors are already a holiday.

The only entertainment from the entire "recreation" is a disco (dancing in a rural club) on our territory and near the lying pensions. So they were entertained, one day in my boarding house dance, the next day to another boarding house on the disco. If there is a mass of free time - there was nothing more to do. Since they fed us great, the market was practically not visited. For all time 2-3 times behind fruit. Prices are quite moderate. Next to the market is one single store - that's all the infrastructure.

I repeat, I in no way want to say bad about sanatoriums. On the contrary, they are great. At a minimum of vacationers survive as they can. No resort owner. After all, it is worth a little start creating comfort, clean the beaches, etc. The people will catch up, because there is a lot. We just want to want.

But we are no longer in the Ochakov. I had enough impressions for a long time, even let them make the second yalta there.

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