Is it worth going to Vladimir?


Vladimir - part of the history of ancient Russia

Many of us love to travel in different countries. But the majority of time, forces and desires are not enough for the study of cities of their country. Of course, going around our entire immense homeland is hard, but the city of Vladimir refers to the number of those that I would have recommended to visit. He conquered me and impressed me.

Vladimir is ancient Russian city. His history of existence takes a thousand years in the past. Modern city is of interest to tourists not only by many historical buildings preserved to our days, but recently created monuments and architectural buildings.

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The city has a convenient location for its development. It is only 180 km from Moscow. The tourist infrastructure of Vladimir includes pedestrian zones, comfortable transport passages, historical structures, museums, galleries, parks, monuments, catering sites, shopping centers, etc.

Orthodox heritage

First of all, Vladimir is famous for its ancient churches and monasteries. Among them, the most famous in our country are Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Assumption Cathedral, the Mother of the Assumption Church, Vladimir Motherod's Christmas Monastery, Mikhailo Arkhangelsk Church, Nikitskaya Church, Nikolo-Kremlin Church, Trinity Church, Assumption Monastery and others. These are the facilities of various eras, various architectural styles created from different building materials. Some temples during their existence were destroyed and subsequently restored, ruined, completed, in general, worried all events in the life of the city and the country. Now not all churches are temples for prayers, in the walls of some of them organized museums, exhibitions, gallery.

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Separate words of delight deserves the church of the cover to be known to all of the school textbooks. It is difficult to get to her, as it is impossible to drive in transport. But we still got on foot and did not regret. The church is very small, there are practically no people, but it is good. Such distant from civilization of the island of peace and rest. This church left a very easy and pleasant feeling, despite the difficult path to her.

Thanks to this concentration of Orthodox holy places, there are always many pilgrims in Vladimir from all over our homeland. In addition, excursion groups from various cities come here, including foreign tourists from Moscow. Therefore, in the center of the city there is always quite a lot of people.

Monuments, Parks, Museums

In addition to Orthodox churches and monasteries, other ancient facilities representing historical value are preserved in Vladimir. For example, the Golden Gate, part of the earthen shaft, increasing the city, the patriarchy garden, etc.

In Vladimir, there are parks and pedestrian zones, where it is nice to walk in good weather. The main monuments and monuments are also located in the central part of the city. The most popular among tourists are the monument to Prince Vladimir Red Sunny, the monument on the central square, established in honor of the 850th anniversary of the city, a monument to the janitor.

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For lovers of exhibitions and excursions in Vladimir, many museums and historical houses that can be visited are presented. Exposures cover various topics. Here you will find both art exhibitions, and the expositions of weapons, and the assembly of furniture, consistent and clothing of various times, and house-museums of outstanding figures (the most visited house-museum of the stenus brothers), and crystal miniatures, and even a museum-fairy tale about the Baba I gu. So there is from what to choose.

Here is also another famous peculiar museum - Vladimir Central. As you know, this is a former prison, built during the reign of Catherine II. This was the most dangerous criminals. The prison is acting and to this day, the Museum of the Vladimir Prison Museum has been created on its territory. "Entertainment" specific, but still tourists this place attracts.

In addition, for lovers of spectacular events in the city there are theaters, cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers. On the streets of the city and squares there are all-Russian holidays and massive walking are organized.


After long-term walks in the fresh air or visiting churches and museums, tourists prefer to relax in one of the numerous cafes in the city center. Food facilities will be offered to visitors dishes for every taste - oriental cuisine, European, Russian, Japanese, etc. Cafes and restaurants in the greater part are located on the central streets not far from the attractions that is a big plus for tired travelers. The establishments are usually small, designed for 10-15 tables. Prices, of course, are designed for visitors of tourists, but not too high. So sit in a cafe after long-term excursions, take a little rest and tasty to eat can afford any average Russian.

From my own impressions of a perfect trip, I can say that I will not even take to pass the words the beauty and greatness of Vladimir. Do not doubt, it's worth going and see everything with your own eyes. Moreover, there are so many attractions that you will definitely not be exactly in one day, so it is better to spend at least 3-4 days in this city so that in general, to imagine all the charms of Vladimir. For myself I decided that I really want to return here and more than once.

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