Rest in Azure: pros and cons. Should I go to the azure?


In August 2014, my husband and I have risked for the first time to go to the azure. To say that we burned the desire to go to the rest, but we decided that it was worth trying everything. We decided for three days and two nights for three days. Departure planned on Friday. And on Thursday, per day, decided to book a room. With this, our adventures began.

At first we called all the most expensive hotels in search of the best room. And naturally, everything was occupied. Then they began to call there, where closest to the sea - the result is the same. In the end, it began to call in everything hotels and private pensions, where there are all the amenities. From the tenth times they fell into a private mini-hotel, where we agreed to settle for two nights. It was 15 minutes walk to the sea, and shops and the market - 25-30 minutes. And then we understood how good that we arrived by car, otherwise the rest turned into constant walking there.

Hence the conclusion - you want to relax in azure not far from the sea (especially if it is the height of the season - August), then book places at least two weeks, and better in general - for the month.

Shops, in principle, there are everywhere, not only near the market. But they are small and not everything can be found there. Therefore, or immediately buy everything you need, as we did, or get ready for Walking in the heat (well, it is natural, if you are not lucky and you settled at the other end of the village). By the way, the big plus is one supermarket running around the clock.

There are no problems with pharmacies. But only prices in local pharmacies differ from urban. Therefore, better stocking of drugs in advance.

On the market in the morning you can buy fresh products, ranging from milk and ending with fruit. This is a very big plus, since I really love homemade cottage cheese.

If there is a desire to go to a good restaurant, then you need to be ready for hikes. Again, we had to go about 20 minutes to the most decent. The most delicious institution was the "Italian courtyard". There we celebrated my birthday. Prices are very acceptable. And prepare very tasty. True, the service is not very, purity dubious and cheese in dishes are not cheese, but a cheese product. And despite these minuses - this institution turned out to be the best of all that is in the azure.

Local home wine. We bought it twice in different places. The first time they bought a very tasty and drank sex liters in the same evening. And the second time we were not lucky - did not try and bought a liter of some kind of nasty, apparently with flavors, and poured in the end. Remember - Be sure to try the wine before buying!

Beach everywhere is the same. The only difference - on the one hand it is wider, and on the other - already. Sand and sea everywhere are the same.

Rest in Azure: pros and cons. Should I go to the azure? 64052_1

Sometimes a lot of jellyfish.

And people everywhere else a lot. If you are not a lover of a large number of people on the beach - rest in the azure is not for you. True - already at 10 in the morning there is nowhere to fall apple.

Attractions on the beach of Darkness - from the slides to bananas or flights on a parachute per boat.

Rest in Azure: pros and cons. Should I go to the azure? 64052_2

In the evening you can go to the disco to the club - there are "foam parties" and all sorts of "wet T-shirts".

The main boost for us in the azure was the prices and island of Jarylgach.

Very bribed us that prices are absolutely adequate to all: from shrimp to housing. And it is possible to plan a budget, modest vacation.

Separately, I would like to tell about the island of Jarylgach - you can get there by passing the vyhod from the Limana (I warn it - go for a long time) or twist on the boat.

Rest in Azure: pros and cons. Should I go to the azure? 64052_3

The sea is not very different there, but the beach is something else. White sand - like in the Maldives. But in order to see this to be saved for a long time on the boat to another end of the island. But it is worth it.

Of the minuses: after lunch on the roads, drove driving drivers - traffic police do not happen, as it is not sad. So you need to carefully follow the children.

So, we want to say that we have to visit the azure at least once.

After all, the sea here is pure and warm, the sand is good, and the prices are pleasantly surprised. Yes, and children here will be well due to the fact that the sea is not very deep, warm and on the beach there is an abundance of entertainment.

But, you need to remember that you need to go or early July or in early September - at this time people are less. In August, in azure just solid chaos.

Oh yeah, and more: for lovers of therapeutic dirt there is a special place, in Liman, opposite the island. There is a big puddle for these purposes :)

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