Rest in Kirillovka: tourist reviews


This year they decided to spend rest in Kirillovka, which is located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in the Zaporizhia region. I traveled to this village for almost a day, but the rest really liked and the torment on the road was not in vain.

In general, this village is a small enclave and two large braids - Fedotov and Peresya. Actually on the second spit, we rested. Along the first coastline there are solid recreation bases of various levels and comfort. We shot housing for $ 13 days. This is the price for double room standard.

Rest in Kirillovka: tourist reviews 63978_1

The beaches are clean and sandy, only in places to go to the sea accounted for pebbles. At least resting and a large number, but the place on the beach is not a problem at any time of the day. The sea is clean and warm. Sunset into the water smooth, you can walk meters 30-40, and then it becomes deep. But in meters of stacks from the coast there is a braid, where in some places on the knee.

From the entertainment here everything is standard, there is a LUPARK, water rides, balls, bananas and any such. There is a circus and a cinema. Something exotic here will not find. Maximum, it is a water park, which is here, by the way, already two. Night clubs here are also there, but they are not much and arranged in the center.

Rest in Kirillovka: tourist reviews 63978_2

There are no large supermarkets, but it is a huge number of shops. Prices are slightly higher than average, but in general, food is not expensive, and if you want fish or something else, you will have to overpay a little. With fruit too ... read completely

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