What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places.


What are the sights of the city, which began to build as a settlement number 490 for the construction of the port in the 50s of the last century and only in 1973 received the status of the city? Yes, besides the name of the leader of the world revolution.

Naturally, the main attraction of the city is actually Lenin monument . Previously, it was the center of the city, here the main Christmas tree was installed on the square in the winter (and even earlier and the only one) city. Now it is not a center. Near the monument is the central passing of Illichivsky port, so to speak, the marine gates of the country.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_1

From the monument to Lenin begins the longest street of Ilyichevsk - Lenin Street. It passes through the entire city and the bulk of shops and restaurants is located on it. Also on Lenin Street worth the city hall of the city. And another cinema in town (the truth is once again closed).

The place for daily walks is popular with Ilichevents and holidaymakers park near the sea. Here is very clean air, a cool breeze blows from the sea. Especially good in the park in the evening. About ten years ago, at the entrance to the park, built a colonnade and a small fountain.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_2

Stroll slowly through the Avenues of the Park, go through the embankment. It is from here that the remarkable view of the sea opens from above. And what is the sunrise ... at the bottom, there are many discos and restaurants on the very shore. Work only in season.

Here, near the sea is worth Obelisk and Eternal flame (which, though, has long been no longer lit). Always live flowers near the monument.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_3

A year ago, the obelisk was set by guns, warmts, mortars. Every year on May 9 on the day of victory here is a big holiday, a lot of people, colors, come veterans, in the evening there is a beautiful salute. No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_4

In 2013 in April To the 40th anniversary of the city of Ilyichevsk In Primorsky Park, the alley is broken, where official representatives of different states planted beautiful ate. While they are small, but the time is not worth it. And next to the guns set a big anchor.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_5

Across the road from the park on Parkova Street, 8 is the only museum in the city - the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.M. Belloy. The main exposition consists of a personal collection of porcelain and faience products of the XVIII-XIX centuries, donated by A.M. BELOY CITY. Visit it is very informative. Also on the parking lot along the entire street, chestnuts are planted, and when in the spring they begin to bloom ... it is not to tell - it is necessary to see.

On the Gaidar Boulevard on the means of citizens is installed Monument to the soldiers of Afghans.

There is another park in the city, where you can also lie leisurely, breathe air. it Komsomol Park (Now, it seems to be renamed the Youth Park). Located behind the Palace of Sports. Many come here with children, there are playgrounds, rental of children's cars, several attractions.

And in the city really a lot Fontanov . But they do not carry a particularly artistic or aesthetic value. Constructed, because it is necessary.

That's actually all. More in Ilyichevsk there is nothing to watch.

All listed objects are within the radius of two quarters. So, if you are at least three days in Ilicyovsk, then you will see everything.

What should I see in Ilyichevsk? The most interesting places. 63858_6

Oh yes. Read on one site about Holy Transfiguration Church XIX century. Break full. The church was built in the 90s of the last century (already after the collapse of the Union). They built on the site of the former dance floor, which he even used to destroy the fire twice. Although, justice, I will note that the church is really beautiful, it visits a lot of parishioners.

Sight attraction is the sea . And then, after the resort was popular with Russians and Belarusians, the Ilicivers themselves themselves rarely go to the beach. The beach was lit., the sea by the middle of the summer is already dirty. In Tavria, the queues are such that you have to go to other shops.

Welcome to Illychivsk!

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