What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions?


The eco-resort of the exhaust, young, rapidly developing resort of the Transcarpathian region, is located in the picturesque valley at the foot of the most beautiful Borzhavsky ridge, its location opens up great opportunities before tourists, to visit the most interesting historical and natural objects of Transcarpathia. When planning our trip, I am greatly responsible for the organization of excursions. I want to notice if you came to the resort by train or bus, it will be not so easy to plan independent excursions, but rather at all in any way, because it is not very convenient to use long-distance transport, it's only a time loss, although, of course, it would be quite economically. If you are on your car, you have great opportunities to see all the beauties of this edge, arrange the card, navigator and on the road. For those who are without cars, the resort has a personal transport, specially intended for excursion trips, groups are formed every day, where you can make an appointment at the reception at the reception. If you are much, and you have come up with your own program, the administration will gladly consider the offer and gives you a trip.

What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions? 63844_1

We were 5 people who were no more interested on the excursions, but in any case, all the trips took place without cheating prices. And so in order, where to go and what is sure to see.

The most interesting excursions from the eco-resort

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What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions? 63844_3

- Shipot waterfall - A fascinating trip to the most beautiful waterfall Carpatha, oddly enough tourists go here at any time of the year, in the spring, of course, he mighty, melting waters rapidly with the Borzhavian heights, spilling out with cascades and waterfalls. In the summer, this place was chosen by artists, a children's scout camp was operating in the Waterfall of the Waterfall. Catch the moment when the waterfad has no tourists almost impossible, but we are lucky, October and a weekday played us on your hand. In winter, the waterfall is not less beautiful, ice blocks are frozen fancy forms, gigantic icicles give the waterfall mystical appearance. Well, the autumn here is simply gorgeous, old beeches at this time have already thrown off the foliage, discovering a good view of the waterfall. An excursion here can be planned with a small picnic, as it is just 9 km away from the resort, and there are special places for recreation on the territory of the protected area. The resort is also offered at the request of Velo walking to the waterfall.

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- IZA "When I first heard the word Iza, I immediately had an association - Line, and I was not mistaken." IZA, a small village in the Khust district, whose locals are engaged in the manufacture of souvenirs, furniture, household goods from the vine. Entering in the village, here each house you can find the crafts for sale, and everyone tries that his product is not like a neighbor's goods, so invent all the new and original weaving methods.

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This excursion train can be combined with a visit to the Narcissus Valley, if your holiday falls on May, be sure to visit it, as well as deer and an ostrich farm. The village is 73 km from Eco-resort.

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- Lake Sinevir - Pearl Carpathians, this is one of the most popular excursions in the resort. The route passes through a picturesque road through Mezhigorye, along the way the driver makes a stop at the mineral source of the Soyma, it is also called an iron source, the water, of course, has a hydrogen sulfide, but they say it is very useful, because it is not for nothing that they also built a healthy. I abandoned the sample, but I scored a bottle, which was surprising in the evening, the water broke.

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The path to Lake Sneynevir is not close to 50 km, on arrival the car can be parked at the control point, there is a couple of cafes and souvenir shops. Next, it will be necessary, 1 km will overcome on foot, you can drive on the car, but I recommend to stroll a road, surrounded by the deaths, purest mountain air, and feel the coolness, the breath of the lake, which is located at an altitude of 989 m above sea level. Planning a trip here, as much as the thermos and sandwiches, the appetite is dragging here much, especially in children.

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By the way, for kids, who, in general, do not surprise the lake, will be enjoyed to feed the trout living in the lake right from the hands, so do not forget to take bread. At your request, this excursion can be combined with a visit to the village of Colochev and the Forestry.

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What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions? 63844_10

What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions? 63844_11

- The village of Kolyokava - 46 km from Eco-resort, is truly a truly unique village not only from Transcarpathia but also of all Ukraine. It is also called the village of 10 museums, original monuments. Here delightful nature and beautiful species, the locals are very welcome, it was very pleasant to communicate with them, honestly, I would have stayed in this village for a couple of days, so as not to hurry to see all those museums and monuments. We only watched a few - this is the Museum of Skansen Old Village and the Museum of the Uzpocole Railway. The guide in the museum is a local resident, a historian, front, with such enthusiasm and so interesting tells about the native land with the smallest details that they just listen to himself. I and Early happened in such authentic museums in the open sky, but only here resin feel life, work and everything concerns people who lived here for a long time. In the museum, the guarantee itself offered to take exhibits in the hands, trying to feel, these are indescribable emotions, be sure to visit this village.

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- Fortoral economy - In Transcarpathia, there are several trullniks, all of them are private, but they are happy to receive guests and tourists, here for a certain Suma you will be offered to catch a fish on our own, which you will die on the coals or boil the fragrant ear.

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What excursions worth visiting in the exhaust? Where better to buy excursions? 63844_14

- Uzhgorod - An old city on the border with Slovakia, is 113 km from the eco-resort, it is interesting to stroll along the river along the longest in Europe Lipova Aley, pay attention to the miniatures near the pedestrian bridge. Crossing the bridge, you will find yourself in the old town, with beautiful architectural buildings, Uzhgorod castle and an ethnographic open-air museum.

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Personally, we, in Uzhgorod, staged an independent tour, arriving here by train (if it was purposefully immediately to go to the station Volovets), left things in the storage chamber, via the Internet ordered a guide, went to Uzhgorod-Mezhyhigorevi in ​​the bus Stopping near the turn on the eco-resort. The road took two and a half hours.

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- Beregovo - Town with a Hungarian color, delicious wine and a healing thermal source, can come here year-round, but still more interesting in the cold season. Water in the pool has a dirty color, you do not scare it. It should be in its chemical composition. After the adoption of water procedures, you will be held tasting in one of the cellars of local winemakers. From Coast to Eco Resort 105 km

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- Mukachevo - 78 km from the resort is another colorful town, whose business card is the castle of a palane towering on a hill. In addition to the castle, it is worth watching the Holy Nikolaev Mukachevsky Monastery and the Honey House Museum.

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