Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust?


The ecological spa resort is located in the picturesque mountain range of the valley of the River Repaca. He is a sufficiently young resort trying to develop, but already positions itself as a ski, with a claim to Bukovel.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_1

But the difference between these, seemed like the same type ski resorts is very noticeable and not at all for the better for the spa resort.

Mother Nature gave a person everything left just competently use it this. Only this for our mentality as it is unusual. Describing "Eco-resort of the exhaust" you can safely talk - "I wanted it better, it turned out as always."

And yet, the best in this resort is a magnificent nature of nature and people who provide you comfort. They try as they can, but it turns out not always, not because they don't try badly, but because they do not always make a candy from "plasticine".

That's the, the dual attitude develops to the resort. On the one hand, beautiful, mental people (I mean the staff of the resort itself, all without exception), on the other hand, the empty attitude of the "hosts of the resort life", which built it, built, and to improve and ensure the normal infrastructure of the resort forgot.

Take at least the skiing complex itself with its infrastructure. He, in theory, is classified by the presence of so-called green and blue trails, for professionals and beginner skiers.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_2

It would be good if it were not for one thing ... at this resort snow, as such is a rarity. It falls not often. And if the descents themselves are at least somehow supported in a more or less normal condition with the help of artificial snow, then everything else is around a solid marsh. From the hotel you need to go out rubber boots, the territory is not landscaped. Rods, dirt, swampy by the older - this is what is remembered for a hike to ski slopes. No roads, some directions. Lifts like hello from the history of the Union, old, often faulty, not atmosphere of joyful skating.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_3

Hire of ski and other inventory leaves much to be desired. If the skis are worthy, high-quality and fairly modern, then everything else is just horror. Hire of snowboards is small, there is not enough inventory. Here you just need to have time, everything as in the saying "Who's first got up - that and slippers." This is me to the fact that modern models are completely small, the fact that the old one remains, but not the "killed" you can ride. And the nonsense of triggers - the fence for horses at the end of the descent. This placement is not just unsafe, but also stupid. With us, the girl, without coping and imprinted in this fence. The good of the child was separated only by the bruises, because at this ski resort there is no doctor or a medical point, not to mention even a little-fastened pharmacy. Returning to the rental of the inventory would like to advise, taking inventory to your children. Plastic sledges that offer 40 UAH services. In the store, but the rent will be twice as expensive, while such sledges can be broken on the descent at the time (still plastic), again they will have to compensate for the overestimated value of the inventory, plus it will be deductible and daily rental.

Now about the place of residence. There are only positive words. Beautiful wooden cottages, fully comfortable and with a maximum set of comfort. Villa de Luxe is a great place to stay.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_4

There is a real environmental holiday (no wonder the resort itself positions itself as - Eco Resort). The boarding house has its own apiary with delicious Carpathian honey, vegetable beds, so on the table with a rest comes really environmentally friendly food, without any impurities and the Gadan chemistry.

The numbers of this private boarding house are charming, this does not take away, the whole design is made in the national flavor, no flavoring of the adorable smell of a wooden cut. Gorgeous upholstered furniture, comfortable beds plus all the benefits of civilization in the form of a bathroom with a beautiful cafeter with a shower, there is even a bidet. Plasma TV, not to mention the spare sets of bed linen in the closet, plaid and pillows.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_5

By the way, you can drink water from under the tap, here the water is crystal clear, served from its well. Heating is constantly, it is water, adjustable in each room at the request of guests. There were no problems with this. The only cons of all this beauty is very low noise insulation. If you are not lucky with your neighbors, you will hear everything that is going on in the room. Sometimes it was possible to turn on the sound in their number (only image), we have perfectly heard the sound from the next room, even with comments to the movie. It strains, with this it is necessary to solve the administration. The rest of the interior and the landscape of the premises admire the thoughtfulness.

True, the price for all this magnificence is not at all budget, prices are quite large and "pieces". But, as well as beautiful inside the boarding house, so bad outside. The courtyard is full of swamps, there are no asphalt tracks, even the gravel did not sprinkle, but if the gravel was sprinkled in crude weather simply drown in the swamp. Very not well-groomed.

In general, the spa resort as a ski me is not perceived as it is, if you want to go skiing - then in the budgetful burst, and if you are not constrained in the means - Bukovel.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_6

The spa resort is a wonderful rest in the lap of the pristine nature of the Carpathian mountains, crystal clear air, natural, natural food. That's what I remember this resort for us. By the way, excursions on it mass and walk on excursions much more interesting and more useful than to ride a weakly equipped ski resort. What is just one of the only trip to the coast to swim in thermal sources or pamper yourself with a bathing in a hot mineral water. And after all this on the SPA procedures and a bath with fragrant tea from a carpite herbal collection with honey.

Nutrition, I would say not bad but not good, so middlenyone with the scarcity of the menu. More or less decent can be sewed in the "Kolyba" restaurant, a similar restaurant "Mugur" with the same distribution of the menu is a bit more expensive.

Rest in Zais: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the exhaust? 63843_7

What really liked it, it is a fragrant homemade bread and pastries, honey from their own apiary, a magnificent fresh milk and dairy products (cheeses, cottage cheese, cheese) - all natural and writer. Still, to save meals and dinners can be ordered from the local population. The same homemade food, from its garden, but three times cheaper than in the resort restaurants.

Otherwise, everything is not even very bad (except for the ski resort).

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