Rest at Belosaray Spit: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit?


Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? The answer to this question will depend on what you want and expect from recreation, which company is going to go, etc. But, in my opinion, Belosaray Spit is a place where at least once and on the day, but it is worth come, because, in addition, it is the resort village of the Azov coast, this is also the place of nesting of the Herlin and other amazing birds!

Rest at Belosaray Spit: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 63527_1

Rest at Belosaray Spit: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 63527_2

Unlike other, the resort towns of the Azov coast, adjacent to Belosaray oblique, there are huge semi-empty beaches, for which they do not have to run and occupy the place under the sun at dawn. But, unfortunately, except for the sea, the beach and birds go to see nowhere and do nothing, the entertainment is given any. Belosaray Spit is an ideal place for people who are tired and want to relax from the city bustle and the benefits of civilization, for those who love to sleep, eat and sow on the beach, that is, very passive rest.

Rest at Belosaray Spit: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 63527_3

Rest at Belosaray Spit: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Belosaray Spit? 63527_4

The best time to relax on Belosaray Spit is from mid-May and until mid-June, when the air has already been warmed, the sea driver is warm and still clean, the beaches are not littered, and there are very few vacationers. This time is recommended for relaxing with young children.

But, planning to go to relax on Belosaray Spit, especially with the child, it is worth thinking and be prepared for any situation and surprises. In advance, you should stock medicine for all occasions, because the pharmacy is only one here and it works extremely rarely. If you need medical care - you will have to go to Mariupol, because neither the hospitals nor a medical center, nor the doctor here, so if you are planning to rest with the child, it is desirable that the car is at hand. All products are better to bring with themselves, the benefit of the refrigerators are, including water, since it is not, only imported in the village, sometimes it is very problematic to even wash your hands and dirty dishes. There are several shops on Belosaray Spit, but the choice is very small, baby food is not for sale, there is also one natural markets, but not even fruits and vegetables here. And in order to get to the store or markets, you will need to go straight along the roadway (one way), where the cars are worn at great speed, no sidewalks, no paths for pedestrians simply do not. In the village there are cafes, but to eat there, I would not advise (somehow they do not really inspire and do not shine purity), you can agree with the owners and eat homemade food, or prepare yourself.

Clothes for all cases (the weather here is very changeable), toys and all sorts of entertainment should also be stocking in advance, you just have nowhere to buy them here.

Since Belosaray Spit is rich in the estuary and small lakes, then the mosquitoes here are just a huge amount, we can say that everything is chosen by them. Therefore, in advance it is worth stocking all sorts of different means: fumigators, aerosals, creams. But besides mosquitoes here, probably, in the same large quantities live literally everywhere spiders (sometimes you wake up from what someone crawls for you), from very tiny, to the incredibly huge, about that poisonous they are or not, you only have to guess. In general, if you are afraid of insects - this place is not for you.

Belosaray Spit is a place with clean and the impression is that endless sea, semi-desert and huge beaches, but at a completely uniform "resort" for people.

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