How to get to Kandy? Transport in Kandy.


The most closest to the city of Kandy International Airport is Bandaranica, which is located in the capital of Sri Lanka, the city of Colombo. The distance from Colombo to Candy is 110 kilometers, and this distance with a very developed transport infrastructure of the country is quite simple enough, but a little later. Several airlines fly from Moscow to Colombo, and all of them, no matter how surprisingly belong to the Arab countries, it is Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. What, as practice shows the most attractive prices for the last airline. All flights are carried out with one transplant, and the average duration of the flight is 11-15 hours on the way, depending on the duration of the parking lot on the airfields where refueling is performed.

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Getting from Colombo in Candy after you flew to Sri Lanka, you can get in several ways: a taxi, bus and railway.

- Taxi. The most comfortable, but at the same time the most expensive way. The approximate price of the trip will be released in the amount of 7000 rupees, which translated into rubles will be a little less than 2000 rubles. It is worth noting that the comfort of a taxi in Sri Lanka has recently decreased sharply due to the fact that the fleet is quite rapidly changing, and instead of even some elderly Japanese cars, local taxi drivers are actively buying as a working tool for making money new Tata Nano, cars According to the dimensions are comparable to the famous Daewoo Matiz.

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- Bus. There are several options here. The first is express. Approximate time on the way 2-2.5 hours, the fare is equal to the 350 Lankan Rupeees (about 100 rubles). Express buses are usually equipped with air conditioning, so moving in them is quite comfortable.

If suddenly it happened so that they did not have time for express, and the next schedule would not go soon, then you can consider the option with a regular bus. It is much cheaper - 120 rupees (33 rubles). But comfortable to be the cheapness of the ticket. No air conditioners, the bus comes with a bunch of stops and 110 kilometers of the road to Candy can delay 4-5 hours depending on the road situation.

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It is worth noting that buses to Candy (both ordinary and expressions) are departed from the main bus station of the Lankan capital - Averivat, located near the train station and one of the main attractions of the city - the clock tower. From the international airport, regular shuttle shutters go to the bus station.

- Railway. As noted above, the train station is located next to the bus station, so you will not get any problems from the airport. In Kandy, there are several trains, differing from each other at the speed of movement in the way and in the class of comfort. The cost of the trip, depending on the type of train varies within 260-360 rupees (70 - 100 rubles). The time of arrival at the Maha Nuwar train station in Kandy is 3 hours. It should be noted that the path runs along the beautiful Sri Lanka places. So in order to fully enjoy species during the trip, it is worth buying tickets in the Vagona type "E" with large panoramic windows.

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Moving along Candy.

Candy, a relatively small town and therefore, to inspect all the sights of the city, quite enough will be a few hiking, however, it will be necessary to inspect the sights outside the city.

The bus service in the city is well developed, buses run both around the city and in the nearest suburbs. Going on bus trips, best with urban bus stations, which in the city are two. This is good Sed and Clock Tower.

In addition to buses for moving along the Candy and its surroundings, you can use Moto Ricks and a taxi. The latter can be hired, both by telephones of local taxi, and find them near major city attractions, where they are parked in large quantities.

The average tariff in taxi drivers is 50 rupees per 1 kilometer of the road (14 rubles), but still it is necessary to negotiate the cost of the trip in advance, so that there would be no unpleasant surprises later, although in the case of a taxi, it is rare.

But in the case of motors, it is not only not uncommon, but alas, sad practice. These comrades are less civilized than taxi drivers, and therefore if you have not agreed in advance about the price, then at the end of the trip you can hear that the price has grown several times. But if the cost has stated preliminarily, this does not happen. The average cost of a trip within the city on Tuk Tuka is 50-100 Lankan rupees (15-30 rubles).

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Another option for movement around the city can be a rented motorcycle, scooter or car. Such services in the city offers at least 5 offices, but in view of the extremely difficult road situation in Candy, as well as the local specifics of driving in the style of "food as I want," I would not do that. It is better to use a taxi or rent a car with a driver.

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