Where to go on Crete and what to see?


Crete Island is located on the border of Africa, Europe and Asia. He is considered the southern European island. But in fact, there is another little island - Gavdos, who is south. It is curious the fact that Crete is located in three hundred kilometers from the African coast and, moreover, it is closer to the equator than such states of the black continent, like Tunisia and Algeria. The capital of the Island Crete is Heraklion, and until 1971 this role was performed by the city of Chania.

Crete is a brief name of the beautiful island, however it contains a lot of meaning ... Earth, which is located at the intersection of three parts of the world. Many already "hooked" on this island as a drug. He is able to be awesome, intrigue and hit by his harsh, but at the same time unique beauty. The gentle sun, the friendly sea and the famous sandy beaches of Crete are just a colorful expressive label, the history of the island, culture and persistent customs filled with events. You just move a little from the shore deep into the territory of the island, and it will immediately capture you with its unique natural beauty, the magic of the magnificent mountain peaks, weighing old monuments that have reached our days and new acquaintances. Crete Island can be proud of a rich historic luggage that has more than five thousand years. Minoan civilization, which was characterized by a high level of development and prevailed on the larger territory in the Aegean Sea and partly - on mainland Greece, as well as those that have arisen later, as a reminder of themselves left Crete a very rich historical and cultural heritage - Vintage cities and palace ensembles . Today's beauty and architectural buildings on the island are nothing more than a trace of a large number of military conflicts and mixing the cultures of Crete's conquerors. During the fight against them, for centuries, there was a proud, solid and independent mentality of the island population. These people, besides, are very open, hospitable and benevolent. Many of the local settlements are in the original condition that came from the depths of the ages of the ages of the customs and traditional life lifestyle of their ancestors.

Those who at least once had been on the island, most likely noticed the harmony of relations between the locals and animals. And this concerns not only a rustic lifestyle with its traditional animal husbandry. Animals on the island feel free and in tourist villages, even it happens that it is not just free, but still feel their owners. Of course, next to the night club, tourists will probably not see the goat or sheep, but in the mountainous area, in a different village, you even have to give way to Otare of goats or sheep, which will cross the way in front of you, Boyko ringing bells.

In local cities and villages, it is often possible to see "relaxing" or simply walking cats and nude dogs. Cats, by the way, on the island much more. And they are not afraid of the root of cars or bustle in bars, numerous tourists are also not a hindrance to them. They live and rejoice in their stay on the warm earth of Crete - as well as the rest of the living beings of the island.

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One of the most famous areas of Crete regions is Mr. Rethymno . In this area there are such evikas: Idea Cave in which, according to legend, Zeus grew up The highest peak in Crete and Monasteries - Arkadi and.

This area in the western part has a border from the other - Chania, and in Eastern - with the area of ​​Heraklion. In the north, Rethymnon is washed by the Cretan Sea, and in the south - Libyan.

The capital in the field of Rethymnon is the city having the same name, which is located at a distance of seventy-eight kilometers to Heraklion, and fifty-eight kilometers to Chania. Local old harbor which the Venetians erected once, and to this day saved his picturesque outlines. The city center is located on the north bank of Noma. Rethymnon got the nickname "Soul Crete". The city's atmosphere remained in the city, tourists seek here in order to stroll through the unintentable stalls, look at the red tiled roofs, the vintage buildings of churches, Islamic mosques, cozy courtyards and neat venetian houses with shutters.

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Throughout the northern shore, famous visits and local residents are stretching, and a low mountain chain, which has the highest point of Mount Vrisin - 858 meters - rises in the south of the central urban part. This area is mostly mountainous having mountain gorge exciting views, as well as many beautiful valleys, rivers and caves. To the east, Mount Ida rows, or otherwise - psycho-2456 meters - the highest point of the island. Approximately the fifth part of the entire area of ​​the region is covered with this mountain array. On the South-Zapadda, Mount Kedros is located, which has 1777 meters of height. The beautiful Amari Valley is formed by these two mountainies. The plain territory of the island is located for the most part in the area adjacent to the coastline and among the mountainous arrays. Retimo region does not boast a large number of rivers. Malopotamos River gives his waters to the Cretan sea in the west of the village of Panormo, Megalo Potamos - Lagoon, which is located the beach with palm trees, which is one of the most beautiful in this area. Other rivers in this area, which are located in the north, are not so important - they during the spring-autumn, as a rule, dry.

The eastern and most sunny area of ​​the island is Lassiti . In this area, the most elegant island resorts with fashionable hotels and the same excellent beaches, as well as the Lassiti Plateau and Romantic Cities.

The northern part of the region is washes by the Cretan Sea, and the South - Libyan Sea. Lassiti has a border with Heraklion area in the western part. The capital is the city of Agios Nikolaos, which is located on the peninsula, which acts in the Bay of Mirabeth.

The main city wonding can be called Lake Vulismen having a depth in the center - 64 meters. At first, the water in it was fresh, but in the period of Turkish power - 1867 to 1871 - the channel connecting the lake and the sea was burned here.

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In the eastern part of the Lassiti region there is a famous Beach Wai where, according to rumors, the first advertising of the chocolate "Bounty" was shot.

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