What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions?


Conakla village is located geographically closer to Alanya. Therefore, to go to Alanya. You can independently, as well as with a tourist group. You can buy tours from conaks by both hotel guides and small tourist agencies of the village. A lot of them. If you are afraid to be deceived, then buy from guides, the cost will be somewhat more expensive. Either ask others from other tourists who used the services of such firms where they can be purchased. I also bought some tours in such offices, everything without cheating. The cost of 10-15 dollars below, buses are also comfortable, the guides are very information, the narrative of their competent, interesting. On one of the central shopping streets there is such agency, unfortunately, I do not remember the name, and whether it was. There is a tender with advertising sightseeing tours. Will you won't pass by.

As for the trip to Alania, it implies an inspection of an ancient fortress, the so-called Cleopatra Castle, then the symbol of the city - the Red Tower, a trip to the fish restaurant on the River Dimcha, and then sea cruise along the coast of Alanya with access to the open sea. I have already traveled to such an excursion, resting close to Conakla, in the village of Avsallar. Therefore, in another visit to Turkey seduced for a longer journey to the Demrem-Kekova. After several days of the rest on the beach, I wanted to change the situation, and the excursions with a historical "note" always attract me.

The duration of the trip was about 7-8 hours on a minibus. The cost of the tour from the tour operator Pegas 80 dollars, in a private travel agency - 60.

During the way, you can admire the beauty of nature, landscapes with views of the sea. Then the road to the mountains, the passage of the serpentine. Also offers a magnificent view of the sea. True, it was a little crazy to go on a winding road. I sat immediately for the driver of the bus and his maneuvers were visible, sometimes it concerned that the wheel was about to "leave" from the roadbed. But everything is safe.

The first point in which we arrived, became the city of Demre. It is located next to the fact that left from the old city of the world, the area of ​​Likia. The world is known for the fact that there is a very ancient Christian temple, the abbot in which was Nicholas. The church of St. Nicholas I was seen not only in Russia, but also Greece, Georgia, Spain. Orthodox people are very honored by this saint, and Muslims also belong to him with honors. Many Nicholas the River is known as Santa Claus (Child Frost), the Turks have Noel Baba, which means Father Christmas.

The church itself is partially underground.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_1

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_2

It has been preserved in pristine. On walls and vaults, you can still distinguish fragments of frescoes.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_3

Here is the sarcophag of St. Nicholas. You can touch it.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_4

For a long time, the church was in oblivion, and in the 19th century, the donations of Russian nobles were renovated.

Not far from the church is a remarkable monument. Here Saint Nicholas surrounded by children. Everyone knows that he is the patron of children.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_5

Immediately near the temple, you can buy souvenirs, but the prices of them are very notable.

The next stop is the city of the world. Among the iconic attractions of the amphitheater, or rather the fact that rock burials remained from him.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_6

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_7

Lycian tombs have not burned in the rocks. The ancient people had a believer that the higher, the greater the probability of getting to heaven to the sky. Therefore, during the burial, the rich people redeemed the tombs, located high, and on the lower "floors" buried everyone else.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_8

The spectacle is impressive. The Amphitheater itself was famous for excellent acoustics, theatrical actions were held here.

After visiting these two places was lunch. Lunch is included in the price of the tour, but there are no drinks. Therefore, take water with you so as not to overpay for it the amount that it is not worth it.

The last part of the sightseeing tour passes on the ship. We promised a transparent bottom, but it was not. Therefore, all the beauties and remains of the ancient ancient city of the Dolihist, that on the island of Kekova, we looked from the deck of the ship. The city was very developed with a rich infrastructure, but in view of the strawberry in the 2nd century BC, the island partially went under water, so the remains can be seen under water. The water here is the israme color, transparent. Fragments of stairs, arch buildings are visible.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_9

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_10

The guide showed us the buildings - the former baths. I had to believe the word. In some places, sarcophages resemble an inverted boat. They are also observed on the elevated part of the island. This is from among those that did not go under the water.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_11

According to the guide, it is very interesting to engage in diving. Of course, you can see the first to see and even touch the history of the island and ancient city.

The ship made a stop, and everyone could seek in clear water. Therefore, I advise you to take a bathing suit at this journey.

The trip was very saturated, interesting, curious. We passed through the ancient places of Turkey, could see and learn more about the ancient period. Fatigue, of course, was, but pleasant. The trip took the whole day and in the hotel we were already to dinner, or rather by his end.

In addition to this excursion from Conakla, you can go to Antalya, Pammukhale, Water Park, Safari. A set of excursion tours in principle is similar to those that are also offered in other areas and resort towns throughout the Antalya coast.

For children, of course, it will be interesting to go to the water park, and many adults will not melts such an opportunity to ride water rides. Cost 25 dollars. In the water park you will spend the whole day. Lunch and drinks are included in the price, but nevertheless, before buying a tour, check again about drinks.

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_12

What excursions worth visiting in Conaklch? Where better to buy excursions? 62964_13

Resting everywhere well, and relaxed well even better. This corrected phraseologist, known on the film "Caucasian Captive". In many respects, we create a rest and it is to decide which it should be active or passive.

In addition to the excursion tours scheduled guides, we can spend our own to go to major cities - Antalya, Alania. From Conakli running a minibus or a taxi. Last more expensive. You can ride in the evening, because in the evening and night in Turkey, life is gaining new revs.

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