What should I see in Cappadocia? The most interesting places.


A trip to Capadokia to the area of ​​Malaya Asia in Turkey can be interesting to those tourists who have already seen many remarkable places near the Antalya coast and just want to relax from the exhausting heat. You can go to Cappadokia within an organized excursion tour, the cost of which is about $ 80. Usually this is a two-day journey with a stop at night in hotels three stars. You can go by yourself by rented the car. The trip will be very fascinating, because you will have to overcome the impressive distances, which will give the opportunity to see a completely different, not a beach turkey.

What should I see in Cappadocia? The most interesting places. 62894_1

What should I see in Cappadocia? For tourists more interesting will be trips at the heer, Urgüp and Derinka. Each of these areas has its ancient history, like the whole terrain. Cappadocia is formed by mountains of volcanic origin, there is a very interesting relief, some kind of mystical, fantastic. Being here, it seems that you are on another planet. Excellent natural scenery for shooting fantastic films.

Inhabited this area for a long time of Christians, which in the mountains resembling a truncated cone with a horizontal cap at the very top, built houses and whole cities. Life here was forced. Christians hid from Muslims. For this reason, such strange buildings arose. Mountains from Tufa, and this is a soft material, so there was no washlings to build at home when it was more convenient to carve them in the rocks. Such buildings are preserved to our time and can be seen in the Urgüpe.

What should I see in Cappadocia? The most interesting places. 62894_2

The town of Herre is known that the Christian temples are preserved in the rocks. You can see wall frescoes with the image of saints.

What should I see in Cappadocia? The most interesting places. 62894_3

However, many of them were injured, the eyes of the saints were painted. It made Muslims who considered it impossible to portray the saints, even in the temples.

Immediately in the herah you can see local residents who still live in rocky houses. For tourists, a trip to the village house is organized, and the hostess offers to purchase handmade products - carpets, various utensils. By the way here in Cappadocia you can buy interesting souvenirs made of tuff. Great gift.

The Derinka is underground city. Such cities in which the centuries driven by Muslims lived in Christians, in the territory of the region several. Within the framework of this excursion you can go down to about 5 floors. Next, tourists are not allowed. To date, it is excavated about 10 floors. It can be easily lifted here, so without a guide and guide you will not allow you here. And crazy here. It is difficult to imagine that many residents of such cities in their entire lives never went to the surface, did not see the sun, nor the sky. In places you need to pass through narrow tunnels. Those who suffer from claustrophobia, there is nothing to do.

Traveling to Cappadokia is different from all other rounds that are offered in Turkey. Something similar, the same large-scale and directly related to religion, I have ever seen in Greece on Meteor. Very fascinating such travel. They provide the opportunity to join the ancient history of the world as a whole, and not a separate country.

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