What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions?


Pammukal is far enough from the resort area of ​​the Antalya coast. Get here for about 8 hours. For those who are interested in history and who want to see a unique creation of nature - a cotton castle, I highly recommend this trip. Its cost for one day 50 dollars per adult, for children up to 8 years old for free, from 8 years old - 25 dollars. I preferred a tour for one day, and after me friends went to a two-day tour. The advantages are that they are not so extinguished on the road, but on the saturation and content of the program are very similar. They were more painted by different shopping centers, because, as you know, tourism and shopping are indivisible in Turkey.

You can buy a tour like your guide at the hotel, and if you want to save, you can be in the travel agency of your resort town. In principle, it is rarely deceived. Unless, as was once with me, you will fall into a group not with Russian-speaking tourists. However, you should inform about it in advance, get from you or consent or refusal. I did not refuse my friends and we were given a separate Russian-speaking guide on four. Therefore, we traveled as a VIP person. But we are not talking about it.

Upon arrival in Pammukal district, the excursion began with a visit to the ancient city of Hyherapolis, or rather what remains.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_1

You could see the gate or it was a triumphal arch.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_2

The guide showed us the once existing baths with skillfully developed by architects by the water flow system.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_3

Here is the amphitheater, which was used not only for the fighting of gladiators, but also theatrical performances. Acoustics here was excellent.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_4

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_5

After examining the ancient city, we were led to the famous pool of Cleopatra and gave about an hour of free time. Pammukal district, the presence of medicinal waters here, and the Cleopatra pool is a source with mineral water, the temperature of which is 36 degrees. To be in warm water and in small bubbles, I will say, not very pleasant. The guide warned that the maximum can be 10 minutes, then it is better to go out, otherwise you can feel bad. There are a lot of people here, everyone wants to get a dose of relax and recovery at the same time.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_6

The bottom paved with stones, here and the remains of the columns, so it is necessary to move extremely carefully, otherwise you can damage your feet into the blood. There is a small "noise" in the pool, there are fewer people, but not everyone can swim there.

Then by plan the excursion lunch. It includes the price, but there are no drinks. Therefore, in order to save ways, buy water in advance and take with you. Paying for a glass of ordinary water $ 1-2 absolutely do not want.

After lunch - a hike in a cotton castle. Cotton called him for the fact that the color of the cascade mountains (terraces) is white. Nature Year after year, the Millennium created this miracle. In the terraces "worth" water. There are thermal sources that are known for their healing properties.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_7

Before entering the terraces, shoes are removed. I want to warn right away that sometimes it happens very much and you can easily fall, and still fly a few meters. There are no fences here, so it is necessary to be extremely careful. There are still very narrow tracks here, and there are a lot of people. Therefore, we do not recommend going here with young children, it is better to admire the beauties from afar, or not to go.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_8

For the healing properties of Pammukal water, no less than 4 centuries know. This is coming specifically for treatment and spend a long time. For one arrival, as we do-tourists, no rejuvenating effect from being in the same pool Cleopatra will not be, even though there is a clock there, but to see such a creation of nature, is definitely interesting.

After the trip in Pammukal, the excursion still continues. Tourists usually come back in a number of shopping centers. We were in jewelry, as well as in the factory for the production of onyx products. We have shown the process of processing the stone, its transformation in various types of products, which could immediately buy. These are vases, figurines, chess, various figures. If you compare the cost, then cheaper than on the coast. A good gift and souvenir from Turkey. We have the same things at times more expensive.

What excursions worth visiting in Injekum? Where better to buy excursions? 62848_9

Despite the duration, the journey really liked. Pammukal can not make a pleasant impression. In this area, many interesting places are connected with the name Cleopatra, Mark Anthony. By the way, the Cleopatra pool was previously part of the Roman bath and was a wedding gift for the Great Queen.

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