What is worth viewing in Izmir? The most interesting places.


If the will of fate will bring in Izmir and want to meet this city in closer, then I want to talk a little about what to see and where you can go.

The first thing that probably can rush into the eyes, this is towering over Izmir the fortress Cadifekale, which means a velvet castle. It was built by Lisimach, who was one of the subordinate Alexander Macedonian, still in the fourth century BC and served as a defensive structure for a long time.

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The centuries-old history of this fortress is quite interesting and diverse. One of the stories says that in the Cadifela Romans was tortured to death in 155 BC, the local bishop polycarp, whom they first tried to burn, but the fire did not touch the saint, after which he was simply brazed. The Church of St. Polycard is considered the oldest in the territory of Izmir. The walls of this fortress did not have few events and battles, one of which occurred at the beginning of the fifteenth century, after which the Cadifela was captured by Tamerlane. In the 16th century, the city and the fortress were conquered by the Turks. Next to the fortress, the remnants of the water tank remained, which was built yet by the Romans and has long supplied the city with water. During the first excavations on the territory of the fortress, a huge number of underground caasemates was found, but later they were chosen by various garbage. There is Cadifela and the Church of St. Polycarp at Konak, KadiFekale.

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The era of Alexander Macedonsky includes the Market Square of Agora, which is in the Quarter of Namazhy. The market square played an important role in the life of the residents of the ancient Smirns, where various buildings were located as trading pavilions. However, after a strong earthquake, all the buildings were destroyed. In the second century of our era, at the time of the Roman emperor, Mark Avrellius Building Agora was anew. During the excavations of the first half of the last century, many statues and fragments of various sculptures of Ceres, Diana and Neptune were discovered. In 1996, excavations were resumed again, and partially continue to this day. Visiting Agora You can see the remnants of the gate, the preserved columns of buildings and fragments of sculptures.

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Be sure to visit the central square of Izmir, which is called Konak Maidani. In the center of the square, a clock tower is installed, which is also called Kulesi Sat and is one of the symbols of Izmir. It was built over a hundred years ago by architect from France, Raymond Charles Pere and has 25 meters in height. The clocks that decorate the tower presented the emperor of Germany Wilhelm the second.

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The area is considered one of the main tourist areas of the city, since in addition to the exit to the Izmir bay, where other urban attractions are located here, such as the Archaeological Museum, which contains the exhibits found during Smirns and Pergam's excavations. On the two floors of the museum, marble sculptures, amphoras and sarcophages, glass, bronze and ceramics are exhibited. Also here you can see the statues of Artemis, Pomadon, Demeters made of marble. Near the Museum of Archeology, the building of the Museum of Ethnography is located, where homemade utensils are exhibited, carpets, copper, fabric, and national costumes of different periods. Immediately recreated interiors of ancient pharmacy, typography and Ottoman houses.

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On the square near the mansion of the governor there is an eight-marched mosque of Yahala, that is, the "coastal", which was built on the money of Aisha Hanoe, the wife of a rich in Izmir of the landowner Katipzade Mehmed-Pasha in the eighteenth century.

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And here is the Museum of Fine Art, where the paintings of modern artists of Turkey and the Museum of Contemporary Art are exhibited. As you can see, this area is comprehensive interest not only among tourists, but also the locals, so it is always crowded and lively.

For guests of the city, especially Muslim religion, it will be interesting to visit the largest and old Hisar mosque, which was built back in the 16th century. The architecture of the construction in the form of columns supporting the dome of the mosque and small dome around the main, causes considerable interest.

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It is also worth visiting one of the favorite seizites of the city in which the Park of Culture and Leisure is. Here on the square about thirty hectares, various children's and golf slopes, tennis, parachute tows and pools are located. There is even a small zoo, an archaeological museum and the Museum of Agriculture. You can spend the leisure by visiting the theater or the summer cinema, however, the repertoire of that and the other will be in Turkish. If you get in the period from August 20 to September 20, you can become a visitor to the International Izmir Trade Fair, which is held annually during this period of time for over eighties. Here, with its products, representatives from all over the world are coming out, so it is of great interest and wears the status of international. A variety of cultural events and festivals are often held in the park, especially during the Fair, for more visitors to attract. In the park located on the territory of the park and restaurants you can have a pleasant time, tasted with national Turkish cuisine and various drinks. And the pearl of the Park of Culture and Leisure is rightfully considered a picturesque artificial lake with an island. By the number of vegetation, the park is considered one of the most green places in the city.

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And perhaps finally, it is worth visiting the Assancer's lift, which is in the Jewish quarter and connects the lower streets with the upper. This lift was built over a hundred years ago by Nessim Levi, a rich local Jew. One of the elevators, as with the moment of construction, works at the expense of steam. The height of the lift is 51 meters and the restaurant is located on the upper terrace, where you can have a pleasant time and admire with the height of the surrounding beauty.

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Houses in the Jewish quarter were restored and at the moment appear before tourists in the form in which were originally built.

Of course, this is not all places in Izmir, which are interesting for visiting, but in my opinion those that I listed deserve attention in the first place. I think that no one will regret the spent time, but inspection of the sights of Izmir, one of the ancient and most beautiful cities in Turkey.

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