When is it better to rest in Belek? Tips for tourists.


Beach holiday in Belek in the summer

As well as on other beach resorts of Turkey, the season begins in May and ends in September. Although in October it is still possible to catch warm weather, the sea will still be warm enough for swimming, however, as the Turks themselves say - "Finish Season".

The hottest weather is located in July and August. The air temperature sometimes reaches +40 degrees. At noon it is impossible to go outside. You have to save in the room or hotel hall under the air conditioners. Therefore, those who have problems with pressure, heart, etc., better at this time in Belek do not ride, but wait a month or other and go on a journey with more comfortable weather.

Despite the wild heat, the trips are at this time they become the most expensive as possible, and the number of tourists is increasing. Apparently, the tourists' vacation season still falls for the summer. This is understandable. Many go to relax in Belek with children when they have school holidays. Therefore, in the summer, the children here are a lot.

Just by mid-June, the sea warms up to a comfortable temperature (as a rule, to +22 ... +24 degrees) and the city is ready to receive guests.

When is it better to rest in Belek? Tips for tourists. 62740_1

Traveling to Belek in the spring

Some travelers prefer to ride Turkish resorts, in particular, in Belek, when the trips have not yet increased much in the price. This season falls for the period from the second half of April and until the end of May. At the same time, the air temperature is already high enough (up to +28 degrees), you can safely sunbathe on the beach or near the pool. However, the sea is still cold (the usual temperature for this time is +20 degrees). And only the most courageous tourists are ready to swim in it. But if swimming in the sea is not a fundamental moment for you (although it is strange, of course, why then go to the beach holiday), then you can go to Belek and in May. In almost any hotel there is a pool with heated water. And if this water is also maritime, it will be generally wonderful.

End of the season

Travelers who wish to save, come to Belek at the end of the season - in October. Actually, having arrived here at this time, you can also relax. In the afternoon, the temperature reaches +25 ... + 27 degrees, which is quite acceptable for walks and felting on the beach. True, the probability of catching the rain on vacation is increasing. Evenings becomes cool enough, so without windbreaker or the jacket can not do. With young children, it is better at this time not to ride a beach holiday.

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The Velvet season

But September, in my opinion, the most suitable month for relaxing in Belek, of course, except for schoolchildren and students (due to study, of course, and not because they would not like to relax in September). Just their number on the beaches by this time decreases, it's time to go to Belek with babies or a married couple without children. In September, the milder climate is warm both on the beach and in the sea. If the sea is even a little bit too much, then closer in the evening it becomes like pair milk. Perhaps that even warmer becomes in the sea than on land.

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September - Traditionally, the ripening period of fruits, which can be combined every day in local hotels. All juicy and fresh and in large quantities. A wonderful reason to charge vitamins and reinforce your immunity for the next year.

Excursion trips

As for the sightseeing holiday in Belek, then, of course, ride the attractions of others comfortable with moderately warm weather. In the most severe heat, ride on excursions is sometimes unbearable. Tourists without hunting leave comfortable buses with air conditioning. Learning from the hotel in the morning, having stopped behind the fellowship from other hotels and coming to the right place, you just put the bakes. Moreover, the temperature differences between heat on the street and the cool in transport may not be just unpleasant, but even dangerous. Therefore, if you are going to travel a lot on excursions during your holidays, I recommend not planning a trip for July or August.

"Unreson" in Belek

From the second half of October and until the first half of April, the season for tourists is considered closed. And what to do there, if the weather is cold (well, of course, not as we have in winter), you do not swim in the sea, the rainy season begins. Therefore, when the tourist season ends, there is nothing to do in Belek. Calculate on expensive hotels for traveling along the excursions to "Naeson", it does not make sense. Of course, you will significantly save on such a holiday, but will you get a good pleasure, I do not know. Not all hotels are ready to receive guests after the completion of the season, because they contain personnel for several tourists - it is not advisable.

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