Where to go to Koh Kong and what to see?


Until recently, with the word "Cambodia", the most part of the listeners arose an association with military actions, poverty and as a result - all sorts of troubles. But in this country quiet enough. There is no civil war, now the world is here. And that curious - Cambodia turned out to be an interesting state with millennial past, which could surprise the crowds of foreign tourists from all over the world, which can not only see the exciting exotic, but also enjoy the usual beach holiday in the area, which has survived since ancient times in almost untouched by man form. And there are many places in this country. An example of this can serve an increasingly popular area Koh Kong, who gives guests a strong impression of acquaintance with the natural world of the Indochinese region. This new and promising resort is worth describing it separately.

The small town of Koh Kong (in her old time, it was denoted on maps as Khemarakphumminville), which has no more than thirty thousand people, is in the southwestern part of the kingdom, on the shore of the Siamese Gulf, next to the Thai border. The distance from here to Phnom Penpene - the capital of Cambodia - 290 kilometers, and to another sufficiently large Khmer resort city - Sihanoukville (in the local called Kampongs) - 230 kilometers. And the closest placed point of the border crossing with Thailand - Cham Yim is located well, very close, just at a distance of nine kilometers away. If you expand the desire, you can walk to it, however, there is enough transport to the border here. From Thailand to Koh Kong, there are a large number of people who wish to surrender to gaze - in open not so long ago casino KOH KONG INTERNATIONAL CASINO which is located almost at the very border and very popular among visitors. In Thailand, such activities is prohibited. In Cambodia, it is permitted.

Koh Kong is an administrative center of the province with the same name - one of the twenty in the kingdom. It is located on a large part of the coast and occupies a territory in the southwest of the country. The fame of this area provide Mountains of Crane (or differently - Mountain cardamions) who are the only ones in Cambodia. They do not differ in a large height (the highest point - the pno-oral - has a height of 1813 meters), but very beautiful, they crosses them a large number of valleys, there are waterfalls, mountains are covered with dense jungle. With all this, this terrain remains almost not affected by human activity, one of the reasons is in small intensity. Many rare fauna representatives live in these places - such as Indochinese Tiger, Asian Elephant and the Malay Bear, as well as tropical feathers. You are not recommended to swim in the local reservoirs - there are many crocodiles.

Another place that attracts holidaymakers in the province of Koh Kong is the island having the same name Located at a distance of just twenty-four kilometers from the city. This island is the largest in the whole state. It has great popularity not only due to its wonderful beaches, but also several beautiful waterfalls having height differences from six to twenty-five meters. Water transport is constantly sent to these places, so you will not be omitted here. In addition to these beauties, in the sea in the field of view, dolphins often appear, which boil under the coast. However, without these wonderful creatures, underwater spaces near the island are very rich, and for this reason, the divers will find a large number of wonderful places here.

Where to go to Koh Kong and what to see? 6274_1

And more O. Waterfalls . As already noted, there are many of them in this province. Near the resort are two - Koh Sing and Tatay . It's not difficult to get to them at any time, but it will be nice to remember that in the season drought - namely from December to May - a very small amount of precipitation falls here, the reservoirs dry out, and waterfalls do not have such an impressive species as at another time of the year. Characterized by greater majestic waterfall Kbal Chhai having a height of ten meters, is located a slightly larger distance from the city - approximately a distance of twenty-five kilometers towards the north.

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It is worth noting that the fans of the resort holiday at sea will certainly appreciate the Koh Kong very positively. Coast has Many wonderful beaches , distinguished by a lot of cleanliness and remaining almost intact people. One of the similar beaches is located in a distance of four kilometers from Koh Kong, near the village of Koh Coch. The sea water of this area in the Siamese bay is also very clean. For this reason, in the local places can be remarkably inbid. And an additional incentive to this occupation is the absence of enterprises in the district of artificial breeding of marine animals for the needs of the tourist sphere. It should be noted that in other resorts - in particular, in neighboring Thailand, the situation is completely different. There's more and more "glamorous." It is not a problem to organize a boat trip to Koh Kong, but at cost it will cost much cheaper in comparison with other closest countries of Southeast Asia. Another advantage of the resort is the recently open school for divers located at the local hotel - Oasis Bungalow Resort. From this place also organizes trips to different places on the coast and on the islands with dives with scuba. Housing here is also inexpensive - about $ 20-25 per day.

Another attraction of the resort Koh Kong is a natural park Safari WORLD. which is near the border. The cost of entry into the territory is 12 dollars. Here you can look at a curious spectacle - the fight of orangutans. If you want - make bets.

Where to go to Koh Kong and what to see? 6274_3

More impressive tourists National Park Botum Saor , which is south of the resort, on the peninsula with the same name. In this place, the nature of the tropics is presented in all its glory.

Park territory - more than 1,700 sq. Km In the rainy season, it is very difficult to move around this area, however, the beaches located on the shore look just incredibly beautiful!

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