Holidays in Avsellar: Tourist reviews


Finally, my husband and I got to stay in Turkey. I will say honestly, no one chose anything for a long time. We have such that at the last moment we know when vacation. For this reason, for the trips, we just rushed in five days before departure! Of course there are no choice, too. I had to take departure from Kiev, and not from Lviv. In the word we traveled to the sea for a long time!

Train, bus, plane and finally transfer to the hotel. But the surprise was waiting for here. It turned out to be our reservation simply no! Well, I think, they rested gorgeous! Long to describe everything. The situation ended with the fact that we were transported to another hotel (and, about a miracle, he was better), only instead of the promised 12 hours of the night, we settled at 5 in the morning! And all this time we sat in the lobby on the suitcases! Honestly, I thought already that this is the first and last my holiday in Turkey.

All my anger was held in the morning when I saw it from the balcony! Mediterranean Sea! It cost everything! In Avsellar, generally gorgeous beaches. There is very little sand and only somewhere can be found pebbles. Water perfect cleanliness. There is no algae, garbage in mom is not visible, everywhere urns, only fish may not hurt to bite the leg in the water. A couple of dogs ran through the beach, just I did not see that they interfere with someone. The sea is very warm, even hot - +30 degrees!

Holidays in Avsellar: Tourist reviews 62723_1

Holidays in Avsellar: Tourist reviews 62723_2

Holidays in Avsellar: Tourist reviews 62723_3

The village of Avsellar is small and calm. Hotels are a lot, and therefore tourists ... read completely

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