Should I go to the storm?


The resort village storms spread out in the northwestern Estuary of the Crimean Peninsula, just 25 kilometers from Evpatoria. Yes, this period, in contrast to the "formed" resorts of the Crimea, this village just began to actively develop. New boarding houses are built, the private sector is expanding. This cause is very promoted by magnificent natural conditions. In addition to the finder of the Black Sea (the rarity is rare in the resorts of the Crimea),

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The magnificent, shallow coast, the resort boasts the healing lake Ohurba. The salty rape of the lake in combination with healing mud baths simply creates miracles. In this beautiful lake use dirt of two species. The first and most used as for the prevention and for the treatment of human musculoskeletal system - black dirt. The second, on the list, and not by utility - cosmetic blue clay. If the first, black is desirable to use only on recommendations and the testimony of doctors (so as not to harm yourself), then the blue, cosmetic clay is used without any restrictions.

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It has been proven that on its healing qualities, Oyburskoe lake is no different from similar lakes on the mud resort of Saki.

Thanks to a very common bias of the sea coast, the beach. The village is mostly shallow, marine water is very quickly warming up. At the beginning of the holiday season, the average temperature is + 20-21 degrees. But there are also small incidents, cold currents come to the shores, and then it falls for a day, two only to admire the wonderful sea stuel. Water becomes cold enough even for an adult.

The rest is a pleasant, quiet, family resort. As it with the youth while there is tight. This generation is boring. There is really no full nightlife in the village. Of course there are some progress, but for now - it is only modest cough, the resort is still developing. But there is a big but. Two kilometers from the storms there is a famous village Popovka with his youth cauting type Kazantip. The beginning of Kazantip is the middle of July and to the middle of August. At this time, the village assumes some settlers from young people (in Popovka for the period of the festival, prices are twice as well, and even three times). And all June and half of August are completely given to the spill of married couples with children.

But the housing foundation in the village is lame. Of course, you can rent any housing, from the "Chicken" in the garden in an elderly grandmother to the luxury rooms in the newly built boarding houses in the coastal strip. There is a truth one but ... no, as such an intermediate link. There is cheap - with Spartan conditions for 50 UAH. per day, without any comfort and is expensive - with all mental and not conceivable conditions

Comfortable accommodation, but already for 400-500 UAH. per room. There is no intermediate level - the average pricing policy, and if there is, there are very few such places. And it is also important, people passing housing, most of their rudeness. Especially this is sinned by the private sector. People in the private sector "Star disease" on cash bills. For the most part, tormented by any means to snatch an extra penny. Initially we shot housing on the street coastal. I will not describe all the output of the owners, it is not worth it. I will say one thing when people from nothing begin to benefit or any income, they change and no matter how sorry, not at all for the better. In the word fled on the second day. Who is worse, just not to us. Let, later found a wonderful private guest house on Parutizanskaya Street, 53. With a wonderful name "Green Manor",

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Equifferent to both the sea coast and the center of the village. Let a little more expensive, but the human attitude. And the child ran both, and adults drank beer correctly, and the window in the room opened at the right angle - like people in the village are the same, and the attitude towards the rest is different.

In the private recreation database, two types of rooms were offered to choose from. Standard and luxury. Naturally luxury more expensive, but also more comfortable. We got a comfortable standard room with your, small kitchenette. Thoughtful comfort, acceptable accommodation conditions, the number without excesses in the form of an air conditioner (quite grabbed the fan). A complete set of kitchen utensils in the room, for everyone, and not in the shared kitchen as in the previous address. Simply put, worthy housing for a couple with a child.

Food is organized independently, it seems uncomfortable, but on the other hand as a way to save the most. In the center of the village storms are very good two grocery markets, but as not weird the main products on it fruits and vegetables. To buy something more significant, it is necessary to come early, though the price is a bit "biting", but not critical. In grocery stores the choice is not too wide but you can buy almost everything. Single price.

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They increase in geometric progression with the holiday season. At the peak of the season, the prices are unimaginable, especially for meat and dairy groups of goods.

If the lañing mother is cooking, I recommend to look into the usual central dining room. Although it cares, but they prepare very tasty, fully and most importantly cheap. We took ordinary two complex lunches, and they were found along with the child so that she also remained. The menu is natural there is not danding gourmets, a little given by the union.

I also recommend visiting a cafe with an interesting name "on the suitcases" - very tasty, especially children and the menu is much more diverse. A special highlight of the institution - there are Belgian waffels. Sodium

Return to the beach. In the village it is quite wide and very long. Even in the peak season, there is always a seating season. The sea is just a fairy tale.

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As I wrote above a very gentle descent - joy for the defers. But, be prepared, at the end of July, the early August of the month of the month the sea fill the blue jellyfish. They are foolish enough. Be careful, do not let the kids in the sea, although this invasion affects mostly deeper parts of the Black Sea. On the fineness of their units. But still. It is necessary to be more careful at this time.

In the evening silence and calm. Just a couple of round-the-clock institutions on the coast work, but again their basic couples with children. Few dance, or simply suck close to the sea, while having drove various drinks. As such, youth have no youth. You need to go to Evpatoria.

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