What excursions worth visiting in Innsbruck?


Excursion: Innsbruck - the city of All Inclusive

For centuries, this city is a magnet for a large number of guests. Innsbruck could always offer a lot of coming. A dense mixture of masterpieces of architectural art, antiquity, sports and nature will surely leave the rich memories of this Austrian city in tourists!

This excursion begins with a tournament area located near the Imperial Palace. In this place, you will see a mixture of buildings in the architectural styles of Renaissance, Baroque, classicism, mannerism and tremendry in the whole complex. The next point of travel is the Cathedral of St. Jacob in the old town. Here you will be formed by unique illusory frescoes and the local precious attraction - the picture-icon of Mary-intercession, which Cranach Lucas created.

The solemn-mourning composition of bronze and copper meets tourists - this opens the doors of the glorious Imperial Church of Hofkirch. Kaisar Maximilian and beyond the honor of twenty-eight memorable sculptures, who depict the famous ancestors of the Habsburg family. To carry out this grand ideas, which was conceived at that time, when the emperor was alive, two generations of architects were worked out. The main idea of ​​this majestic monument, which resembles the Burgundy crypts is the glorification of Kaiser Maximilian and the period of his reign. There is no more church building in the world.

What excursions worth visiting in Innsbruck? 6271_1

Such special status as the imperial residence, the city received in the fifteenth century. Then the emperor Maximilian first arrived in Innsbruck. One of the main desires of this ambitious, but intelligent and gifted lord is to capture himself in the stone and the memory of descendants - and it was performed here. In the 1500th, the Golden Roof erected - she symbolized the wealth and power of the ruler. This building and until today is a characteristic symbol of Innsbruck. To look at her 2657 tiles and listen to the legend of the greatest love in the House of Habsburg - Maximilian to his first wife Maria Burgundse - every year approximately two million travelers come out.

Excursions are organized daily, from 09:00 to 18:00, in time, take two hours. In the tourist group usually - from one to forty person.

The cost of a trip is from 130 euros.

Trotzberg Castle

This building is one of the most magnificent and successfully saved to our times of castles in Tyrol. He snaps over the forest on the Stater Lead. The first mention of it refers to 1300 as a fortress located on the Cordon of Bavaria and territories belonging to the graphs von Andex. In 1490, the construction was destroyed - because of the fire.

In 1499, the well-secured brothers, the Tentilers, again restored the structure according to the architectural style, moving from Gothic to Renaissance. After that, the castle was in possession of the families of Ilzung and Fugger. To this day, the construction belongs to a private person. From the nineteenth century, his owners - Enscherberg Charts. In addition to external luxury, the construction is convenient for life, here the owners live in our day. Namely, the family of Count Ulrich Hess-Enerzberg. These people made restoration work, thanks to them the ancient building turned into an open museum to visit.

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Tourists first turn out to be in the courtyard, where arcades are located, and the walls have decoration from the frescoes of Renaissance style.

Rooms inside the building also have a chic interior. A very curious Habsburg hall with his ancient fresco, which occupies forty-six meters, which shows the entire Habsburg dynasty - ranging from the King Rudolph first and ending with the grandchildren of the emperor Maximilian first. Amazes Queen Room - thanks to the masterfully made wooden facing and suspended ceiling. The chapel of the Gothic style and a weapon room with weapons and armor are also deserved. In the hunting hall, you can also remember about one of the historical functions of the construction - after all, Maximilian loved to hunt in this area.

Castle Restaurant "Schlossvir Trattberg" expects tourists at the end of the excursion program. Here you will serve traditional Tyrolean cuisine. Nearby are a garden and a playground.

You can go to the castle from the parking lot - the road takes twenty minutes, or riding on a small train.

Separately, it will be necessary to pay the entrance to the lock. Trips are organized daily from 09:00 to 18:00, in time, take two hours.

The cost of the excursion depends on the size of the group - if in a group from one to forty person, then from 120 euros, if forty-fifty people - then from 130 euros.

Excursion to the Imperial Residence Hofburg

The Hofburg Palace, which is located in the city, is also called "Little Alpine Schenbrune". It is again open to visit the guests of Innsbruck from the spring of 2010, after restoration works.

Any tourist can admire the wonderful inner chambers of the palace. Recovery work was worth ten million euros. In the process of their implementation, the performers tried to achieve two goals: protecting architectural buildings as a monument of history and fixtures of the castle under the museum.

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There is no doubt that among all the chic inner chambers of the most powerful impressions of visitors causes a huge Late Baroque style hall. This room is decorated with images of the imperial family. There are 32 lamps in the hall and 328 lamps, and reconstructors managed to recreate a large four-hundred-dollar room in its historic splendor.

During these works used eighteen thousand sheets of gravity gold.

The frescoes located on the ceiling created by the court painter Franz Anton Maulina, cleared and cleaned. Pictures belonging to artists of the Maitense school were restored in the workshops created in Hofburg specifically for this purpose. In addition, the defects on the stone floor in the castle were eliminated manually.

The trip begins in Innsbruck, it is held daily from 09:00 to 18:00, takes two hours. In the tourist group - from one to thirty people, cost - from 120 euros.

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