Rest in Tunisia: tourist reviews


When you often visit different countries, there are no such objects for delight. But there is in the light of the city, the magic aura of which pierces to the cooler and occupies a special place in the heart.

That is how it happened to us when we first visited the capital of Tunisia. Immediately I will clarify: the country is correctly called "Tunisia", so it is written, at least. And the capital is the city of Tunisia. Having learned this, now we never confuse the country and the capital.

Rest in Tunisia: tourist reviews 62651_1

So Tunisia. You enter here and do not believe that the history of the city has no one thousand years. Modern buildings, stores of famous brands. It seems that it turned out to be in France. But, it is worth noticeing and immediately become ancient mosques, the market, which is no longer one hundred years old.

Rest in Tunisia: tourist reviews 62651_2

At the inspection of the city, the guide highlighted us three hours. But what can be seen during this time?

Many of our neighbors on the bus immediately ran shopping, and we decided to stroll through the narrow streets and even climbed to the roof to see the panorama of the city!

By the way, if you come to the local and ask where the panorama (you can simply say so: "Panorama"), then you will gladly show the road (do not forget to thank the person!). Itself, of course, find this place is hard. But it is worth it:

Rest in Tunisia: tourist reviews 62651_3

And you can also go to the perfumery factory and buy a couple of excellent perfume bottles!

People in Tunisia are hardworking and most of them very honest. It's hard here ... Read completely

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