What is worth viewing in Zanzibar? The most interesting places.


One of the most famous places on Zanzibar is Sadon Island . This small island is located a few kilometers west of the main island. You can get here by boat in just 15 minutes. For its name, the island must thank the prison posted on its territory (English - Prison). At one time, the prison was built, but never was used for direct purpose.

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However, here was a kind of quarantine item, where they contained East African slaves in order not to spread the yellow fever. Although, it looked like the most real prison because of the complete isolation of the newly arrived at the elements and patients. A reminder serves stone barracks with grilles on the windows.

But more is an island that can be coated entirely in 30 minutes, not interesting. He is known thanks to the giant turtles living on it. And you will definitely see them! And you want to desire.

Also available Kennel Turtles on the island Zanzibar . It is located on the northwest coast of the island in a small fishing village. Initially, the nursery was built by village residents for studying, observing and treating wounded turtles falling into fishing nets. The turtles after rehabilitation are released into freedom in the water of the Indian Ocean.

Do not miss an excellent opportunity to visit the nursery Turtles and see these ancient reptiles in their natural habitat. Nursery Turtles is located in the territory of the National Park of Jozhany.

In addition, the village spread the magic beauty sandy beaches and coral reefs. Therefore, it is not necessary to limit itself to the study of the turtles - here you can just swim or do diving and snorkeling.

Well, in order logically go to Jozani National Park (Jozani).

Every year, the National Park of Zanzibara visits more than 100 thousand tourists.

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Jozani is the only Zanzibar National Park, which is the large area of ​​which is taken by an adult forest. The park is in a shallow depression between the two bays: Ultrasound and Chwak. The unique flora and fauna here appeared here thanks to seasonal floods, which created a special microclimate in this area. Gradually, Jozani Park became a shelter for rare and endangered animal species.

The most unique here is leopard! According to local legends, Leopard is a mythical animal, which is like a ghost, can evaporate in the air and appear from nowhere ... horror.

Mangrove forests and sea grass in them are well adapted for the reproduction of various microorganisms and for open species of sea fish (I do not know what it means, but I believe).

But still, the main goal of the National Park is precisely the preservation of forests and the surroundings of the park. In part, this is funded by international sponsors.

Another reserve is in the southern part of Zanzibar Island. It - Environmental Zone Menai Bay . The reserve received its name thanks to the bay of the bay bay, on the shore of which is located.

In Menai Bay at the state level, sea turtles are protected, which sail to the shores of the bay for the masonry of eggs. Tourists are allowed to visit the environmental zone to close these stunning turtles.

Also here are the magnificent nature: you can endlessly admire luxurious landscapes, dense jungle and flawlessly transparent water. But you will still not swim in the reserve, it is categorically prohibited on the territory of the reserve.

Also in the south of Zanzibara, approximately an hour's drive from Stone Town is Cove Kizimkazi and Fishing village Kizimkazi on the shore of the bay.

By the way, it was Kizimkazi to the construction of the city Zanzibar was the capital of the island. However, over time, the village has lost its importance.

Now the bay is a very popular place among tourists. The main pastime here are boat strings to watch dolphins.

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Dolphins in large quantities inhabit the surroundings of the Kizimkazi bay and often gather in the waters of the bay for fishing. So you can always meet these interesting animals here. And during the walk, you will be able not only to see dolphins in maximum proximity to yourself, but also be able to swim next to them. Almost probably bathing with dolphins in the waters of the Indian Ocean will forever remain a bright memories of the journey to Zanzibar.

But in addition to Dolphins, there are other attractions in Kizimkazi. Here you can look close to the XII century mosque and the ruins of the Persian Palace. This mosque, by the way, is considered the earliest evidence of the emergence of Islam not only on Zanzibar, but also throughout East Africa.

And after an interesting excursion, the villagers will gladly coax you with dishes of national cuisine, including fresh seafood with bananas and mango.

The second largest in the archipelago is Pemba Island . This coral island is north of Zanzibara. Its length is 75 kilometers, and the width is only 10 kilometers. But it has its own airport for local airlines.

In ancient times, Arab merchants called His "Green Island" and told everyone as an edge of abundance and paradise. The island has always been known for its spices, especially cloves. Currently, more than three million (!) Cloves are growing here. It also contains plantations (gardens) of coconut palms and mango trees.

Holidays on Pemba island involves privacy and peace for tourists. Naturally, snow-white beaches will be delighted, a warm ocean, a variety of coconut palms, untouched wildlife and rubber plantations. Pure relax. Torch while tourists are a bit.

The island itself coral and it is surrounded by picturesque coral reefs everywhere. Add a huge number of bright multicolored tropical fish, unique marine vegetation and result in a great place to snorkeling, diving or deep-sea fishing.

Pemba island relatively small. And since you turned out to be here on the edge of the world, that is, it makes sense to rent a car to drive around the whole island and get closer to this African paradise. By the way, in various places of the island you can "stumble" on the ruins of medieval buildings.

For professional divers, perhaps will be interesting Reef Boribie.

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