Siemilane's holidays: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Similan?


Even simply considering photos from the Similan Islands, it seems that there is a material proof of the existence of paradise. And immediately there is a desire to visit this very paradise. At least somehow it was with me. And being on vacation in Thailand, I, without thinking, took a two-day tour of the Symilant Islands and did not regret it at all. Emotions are beginning to be overwhelmed along the way to the islands when the guide offers all tourists to make a small immersion with mask and flippers into transparent water. The feeling of unearthly, when a multicolor underwater world is opening right before your eyes. As for the islands themselves, this is the wonderful rust of the paints under the rays of the scorching sun.

Siemilane's holidays: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Similan? 62305_1

Consider all the charms of the island turns out only in the late afternoon, when the sun comes out of zenith and wet sand ceases to be like a mirror. Perhaps it is an excess of solar heat and light that can be called the only drawback of these places. Resting on Siemilane without sunscreen is very problematic. During the day you have time not just tan, but also get light burns. But it is to the greater the wines of the tourists themselves than the lack of islands.

By the way, the territory on the islands is rather shared. Some of them have comfortable paths with pointers and wooden bridges, as well as places for picnics and beach bars with soft drinks.

Siemilane's holidays: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Similan? 62305_2

If you wish, you can find little beaches that are closer in the evening turn into romantic secluded corners. And the sand on all beaches is clean. Occasionally under the legs come across pieces of sprigs and red fallen leaves with near-thendering unusual trees.

As for the conditions of the night on Similane, they can be called Spartan. But for the sake of opportunity to spend two days in paradise, you can suffer without amenities and benefits of civilization. As for me, in one day you feel completely the charm of Symilan is very difficult. After all, most of the day the coastal zone of all islands is filled with crowds of tourists, and only in the late afternoon, this remarkable corner of Thailand turns into an island from the Bounty chocolate advertising. And you can sit near the night near the water, listening to the whisper of the leaves and noise of waves. And you can walk deep into the island and admire on the volatile foxes, settled down your head on the branches of high trees. In general, the entertainment on the islands can be found. The main thing to show a desire and a bit of fantasy.

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