What should I see in Pattani? The most interesting places.


So, that's what sights are in Pattani:

Central Mosque Pattani.

Pattani Central Mosque is one of the largest and most beautiful mosques in Thailand. Built in 1954, the mosque demanded whole nine years of hard work. Today, the mosque is a religious center for Muslims in the south of the country. The architecture and decor of the building has some similarity with the Taj Mahal in India. Impressive a large central dome, surrounded by four smaller domes and two minarets. Inside - a large hall for prayers and long corridors, and ahead is a big pond. Pattani Central Mosque is Yarang Road in Muang Pattani. The mosque is open for prayers every day from 8 am to 6 pm.

Mosque Krue SE

In Malayski, the name of the mosque sounds like "Masjid Kerisek". The construction of the old mosque was started in 1583, but it was not completed because of the struggle for power between the Sultan Pattani and his brother. The current building is in the same form as during the last renovation in the 18th century, and is the world an amazing mixture of Middle Eastern and European architectural styles.

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Not very pleasant events are connected with this mosque. On April 28, 2004, during the reign of the king of the pumipon Adulyadt and Prime Minister Taksin Chinavat, the rebellion of Islamic nationalists in the southern provinces had happened. 32 The militants hid in the mosque, after more than 100 militants committed terrorist attacks against 10 police stamps in Pattani, Yala and Songkhala. After 7 hours of confrontation with Thai servicemen, all 32 militants were captured and killed. This bloody act contradicted the order of the Minister of Defense, which ordered to complete the opposition to a peaceful way - the event was the subject of international investigation. The mosque is located in Brea SE, 7 km from Pattani on the road to Narathivatu.

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Temple and Cemetery Chao May Lim to Nyao

The legend of creating a cemetery in this place says that the mid-16th century lived, there was Chinese Lim to Nyao, who once arrived in Pattani on the ship in search of her elder brother named Lim Kieng. This brother was Chinese Mandarin (the official, that is) who came to Pattani with a visit and fell in love with a local girl who had safely had to marry. The girl, by the way, was not easy - then there was a daughter of the Governor of Pattani. But it is not important.

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At first, the Chinese accepted Islam, and then, being rich, he decided to prove the power of his new faith by building a new mosque (by the way, then there was a mosque of Krue SE). The Chinese woman's girl persuaded his brother to return back, to past life, but everything was unsuccessful. Then the girl was laid by a curse that prevented the completion of the construction of the roof of the mosque. Indeed, every time there were certain difficulties - in all those who built the mosque, eventually hit lightning. But it did not diminish the enthusiasm of the brother - the construction continued. Then sister is all tired, and she hanged himself on a tree next to the mosque. And here, Lim then Kieng woke up, struck by grief, and stopped building a mosque. As you already know, since then, all attempts to complete the mosque were not crowned with success. Chinese buried the girl in this place, and then they began to bury others.

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A cashew tree, which brought the bonds with the life of the Chinese woman, was named saint, and the girl itself received the status of the goddess. In February / March, a festival procession is held in February / March each year, and the temple has become one of the most important Buddhist / Chinese temples in Thailand. Visitors of Chinese origin come here these days with huge crowds!

Dato Pattani Mosque

Located about ten kilometers from Yaring District Hall (on the way to Talo Capo Beach), the old mosque is surrounded by the houses of the Islamic Community and the cemetery. Recently, the mosque was renovated - it is used to this day for religious ceremonies.

Wat Mutcharitkavaivichan

This historic Buddhist temple was built in 1845 under the initial name of Wat Tong (which is much easier, isn't it?), But his name was changed to Mutcharitekavaivichan Vikhan after the state visit of King Rama V in Nong Chik, Pattani district. Wat Mutcharitekavaivichan is an excellent example of the classic Thai temple architecture. In addition to ordinary for temples, the studs, the temple complex includes the statues of the three of its last rebels. The temple is located near the highway number 42, approximately 10 kilometers south-west of Pattani, in the Nong Chik area. The temple is open to the public from 8 am to 5 pm, and later the temple works for evening religious ceremonies.

Mount Khao Rouje

In fact, it is a rocky hill, on the top of which the temple is located. The height of the hill is about 500 meters. At the top of the mountain, in addition to the temple, there are two small natural bars feeding into underground sources. Water in these reservoirs is considered sacred and used when coronating Thai kings. On the slopes of the mountain in the rocks, many caves were formed, which can boast with small stalactites and stalagmites. Well, one of the caves offers to admire the 2.5-meter bas-relief with the image of the Buddha.

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The ancient city of Yarang

This city is one of the most ancient communities in the southern part of Thailand. It is believed that at this place was once located an ancient kingdom of Langkasuka (which existed from 2 to 15th century). An ancient city was built in the form of a large oval and occupied the area at nine square kilometers.

Pavilion King Rama VII

This traditional Thai style pavilion was built specifically for the king of Rama VII and his visit to admire the solar eclipse in 1929. The pavilion is located in the area of ​​Kok Pho admin on Moo 7, approximately 26 kilometers from Pattani (if you go along the highway number 42). Why did you need to admire the natural phenomenon here? The fact is that in 1929, a group of German and British astronomers decided that it was Pattani, the very place where the solar eclipse expresses itself more clearly than in other provinces of the country. However, that day, namely, on May 9, it was quite cloudy, so the king could not see the solar eclipse. Instead, the king hurried to the Muang Pattani area. Tourists can visit this building from 8 am to 16:30.

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