How to protect yourself from scammers in China?


How to protect yourself from scammers in China? 6200_1

As in any country, in China there are citizens who are not alien to the harness. A tool for mining of light money, naturally, unsuspecting tourists become anything. China as a whole is a fairly safe country, but there is a somewhere in the hand of the Chinese several cunning ways to get money from a tourist. Moreover, without robbery and violence, people break up with the means voluntarily. So, what to pay attention to and how not to become a victim of fraudsters?

For example, in Beijing you can offer you to see pictures. Such "artists" in principle work everywhere. There is nothing wrong with seeing the canvas. You can even buy some, by the way very cheap.

How to protect yourself from scammers in China? 6200_2

But for watching paintings "Artists" try to unobtrusively to lead the conversation aside from art and offer to ultimately visit the cafe, where you help you try real Chinese tea, the most delicious, advise how to choose and which order. The result - the advisers artistically evaporate from the institution, and you bring the hospitable hosts. The account amount may be from 700 to 1100 yuan, which is expensive for "drinking".

Another way of taking money from honest citizens was seen from Mausoleum Mao, where the entrance is being prohibited with bags. Services for the placement of bags in the storage chamber You are offered by the controversial citizens of China. When you find yourself at the storage chamber, the cost of services is voiced - 50 yuan. Let's take 10 yuan and let go of the seeds with the world. This is an adequate price for the service provided.

Very often prices in restaurants in tourist sites can be too high. Even if you see that the locals eat there, you should not focus on them, for you the price can be 20 times higher. Before you ask for something to ask for a price, but better ask to bring the menu.

Another common way to make a tourist wallet less fun - a taxi. This wonderful way is popular in all countries of the world, the counter works properly, the price is quite normal on the meter, but you ride in a circle. Instead of an account on 20 yuan, it is quite realistic to get an account for 120 yuan.

Regardless of what exactly the cost question is - do not listen to the Chinese phrase "then, then" the Chinese. So you will be taken away from the real price of goods or services. Find out the price right away, "then" is very expensive.

In the case when some misunderstanding with you still happened, defend your point of view calmly, without nerves and without increasing the voices, better smile. The Chinese are a very patient nation and do not understand people flowing into hysterics. And what is important - do not respect these. Accordingly, if you manifest yourself as a person who does not cause respect to protect their point of view, you will have a zero chance. But a calm balanced person, on the contrary, causes respect and has every chance to win a dispute.

And at the end - do not be afraid and feel free to contact the police.

How to protect yourself from scammers in China? 6200_3

First, it is effective, sometimes one phrase about the police is enough, and, secondly, the police in China are very friendly and responsive, they can not only ask for help on their profile, but also to ask any question you are interested in (even notorious "how do I get to the library?"). A person in the form of a policeman with a probability of 99% percent will help you, you can count on them.

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