What excursions worth visiting in Heviz?


In this article, consider popular excursions from the Hungarian resort Heviz.

Excursion to Bratislavou (Dinner is turned on) leaves Mondays at 07:20 and takes 13 hours. At this trip, we walk around the city center, we will see the gate of Mikhail, the central square, ancient building of the mayor's office, the Palace of Primashi, Ferrency Square and the monastery. We will visit the National Museum and in the Fortress. At the end of the excursion dine in the Hungarian restaurant. The cost of excursion for an adult - 80 euros, for a child - 60 euros.

Excursion - tasting of healing oils and wines, as well as folk spectacle . It is held on Monday and Thursday, the beginning of the excursion - at 16:50, it takes five hours. During this trip, tourists have the ability to tasting effectively active healing natural oils, which are manufactured according to the cold prescript method. In addition, it will be possible to taste the Palinka, wines and lycles manufactured by home methods. After that, the program is a treat from cold snacks and wine and the original show where you will hear the music played at the national Hungarian instruments. If there is a desire, you can buy those products that you liked. The cost of a trip for an adult - 18 euros, for a child - 10 euros.

Trip to Kesthely which is associated with the name of Count Feshetich, is carried out on Tuesdays, the beginning - at 09:40, the duration is six hours. Kesthely is a small city that is located on the shore of Balaton. During the excursion, you will visit the Palace of the Count Family, who is recognized as the most magnificent example of the Baroque style in the country, visit the famous Palace Library, come in the park, as well as on the main city square and the embankment. The price of entrance tickets is not included in the cost of the excursion. The price of a trip for adults is 30 euros, for children - 20 euros.

Kesthely City:

What excursions worth visiting in Heviz? 6190_1

Excursion: Hungarian Wedding - It is organized on Tuesdays, the beginning - at 18:10, takes four hours. On this excursion tourists get acquainted with the national wedding customs of Hungary. You will turn into the wedding guests, which, according to custom, will meet with Palinka and will be invited to the table, where they will be treated with three dishes filed on wooden plates. You can not only watch traditional wedding dances, but also take part in them. The price of a trip for an adult 50 euros, for a child - 35.

Trip to the fortress Shzyumg The knightly tournament (dinner is included) is carried out on Wednesdays, the beginning - at 2:15 pm, in time it takes six hours. On this excursion you will visit the fortress, built in 1292, the Museum of Caret, pet farm. After that, - a colorful tournament, where the knights will fight for the title of better copies of copies and darts, the arrow from the onion riding a horse and from the ground, will show the skill of possession of the sword and riding. After the competition, the Middle Ages dinner is organized accompanied by Gypsy music. The price of such an excursion for an adult is 45 euros, for a child - 35.

Fortress Shzyumg:

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Departure to operetta in Feshetich Palace In the city of Kesthely, it is carried out on Thursdays, departure - at 18:45, in time, the trip takes two hours. In the palace mirror hall, tourists will be able to enjoy famous arias from Operette, who are performed by Hungary and Europe's deserved artists. Rating price - 47 euros.

Excursion to Ferrede Shopron (Dinner is included) Organized on Fridays, the beginning of the trip - at 07:20, in time it takes thirteen hours. At this trip, tourists get acquainted with the west of all other Hungarian "city of loyalty" - shop. The central part of Schopron is the city of times of the Middle Ages - picturesque and comfortable, here are close streets, an ancient fire tower, the ruins of the fortress wall and a large number of churches. Next to the shop, in Ferrtead, there is a famous castle of Esterhazi graphs, which is erected in the eighteenth century in the Baroque style. Then he was one of the middleness of the culture of the state. In this trip, we will also visit the Harrer chocolate manuff, where you will get acquainted with the technology of the production of this sweet product and try it to taste. The cost of a trip for an adult is 90 euros, for a child - 60 euros.

Castle Ferrede:

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Excursion to Pech Villan (Lunch is included) - organized on Fridays, the beginning of the trip - 07:50, in time it takes twelve hours.

In the process of this trip, you will walk along a colorfully located city, which has a story in two thousand years, familiarize yourself with the monuments belonging to the Ancient Roman period, see the medieval urban wall, the domes of Turkish mosques and church bell tower, made according to Baroque style, new figures located on urban squares. In 2010, there was a cultural capital of Europe - a link between the Balkan and Western European cultures. In Villane, we will examine a number of excellent ancient wine cellars and try wine. Price excursions for adults - 75 euros, for children - 55 euros.

Excursion to Silygett - Wine Cellar , during which tourists taste Hungarian wines and watch the folklore program, organized on Fridays, beginning - at 17:10. By time it takes five hours. You will spend the evening in the famous wine cellars who belonged to the Esterhazi chart family and having a 250-year history. An excursion begins with the fact that tourists try the wines from Badachon's province. Then we go to another place where we enjoy the peasant dinner with the wine and the show of the ensemble, performing folk dances. The cost of excursion for an adult - 50 euros, for children - 35 euros.

Rub on the Understand (Lunch is turned on) goes on Saturdays, the beginning of the excursion - at 07:20, in time it takes thirteen hours.

Senthendra and Vyšehrad are two towns that open a visiting mixture of history, architecture and culture. We will visit the medieval fortress of Vyšehrad, we will have lunch at the Renaissance restaurant, walk around the city of Senthendre, in which we will visit the Martzipan Museum, the Herend Machinery, Caprice Jewelry factory and the Jewelry Museum, where you can buy liked jewelry. The cost of the excursion for an adult - 70 euros, for a child - 40.

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