Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay?


The town is standing on the place where they merge at the junction of the Lopburi rivers, Prasak and Chao Praia.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_1

The old town founded as much as in 1350. Over the next 417 years, he was ruled by 33 kings and undergoed 23 Burmese invasions, before the Burmese finally managed to destroy it to the ground in 1767. Despite the fact that Ayuttaya was surrounded by a 12-kilometer wall of five meters in thickness and six meters high.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_2

For all the reports of scientists and archaeologists, Ayuttay was once a stunning powerful city, and could compete with most European capitals of that time. The city was a major center of not only Thai civilization, but also Asia, the Middle East and even Europe - the Center for Art, Culture and Trade. A number of foreign communities flourished in the city, the main among which was Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian, Persian, Portuguese, Dutch and French. In other parts of the world, bloody wars based on religious differences occurred in such cities, but freedom of religion was a distinctive feature of Ayuttay.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_3

The traces of this grandiose past can be seen in numerous ruins scattered throughout the province, however, to previously regret, Burmese destroyed almost all treasures and written sources - even bitten on the numerous gold statues of the Buddha. Although Burmese tried later the Siamese army, consisting of Thais and other peoples, later in the same year, Ayuttaya was no longer returned to his former glory. The Siamese capital was transferred to another city, first in Thonburi and, finally, in Bangkok, in fact, the capital of the country to this day.

Currently, the tourism sphere again breathed in Ayuttaya life, and at present Ayuttaya is a medium-sized city with a population of about 60,000 people. Unlike other historic Parks of Thailand - such as Sukhotas or Phan Rung, which are in relative distance from the city itself, the ruins of Ayuttay are mixed with modern buildings in the city. That is, schools, hospitals and roads with intensive movement are adjacent to the ruins of old buildings.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_4

The province of Ayuttay was one of the most affected cities from flooding at the end of 2011 - in that year most of the city was covered with water by 1-3 meters for more than three months. The city and the historic park was restored over a year and a half. Many trees and roads that have once grown and passed alongside the ruins were demolished and blurred, not to mention such important historical buildings as, say, the magnificent temple of Wat Phra Sri Satchaeth, which specifically spoiled the element.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_5

Many tourists prefer a day trip from Bangkok to Ayuttay. However, this is definitely not enough. Highlight at least 2 days to explore all this beauty. Okay, three are already more than enough. In addition to the ruins in the city center, the best vintage buildings are, yet, on the outskirts. In addition, one day is not enough to imbued with the charm of the town and try Thai dishes in local restaurants. In the city, by the way, quite a few budget hotels. Although, in fact, all the sights can be driven around for 6 hours, but nightlife should also be experienced. To the edge, you can come here early in the morning, spend the whole day, and in the evening it goes back to Bangkok-minibuses up to 6-7 pm.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_6

The central ruins are best studying, riding a bike, and if you want to see distant temples, use motorcycles, tuk-tuki or boats. In any case, walking around the city torture, especially if there is little time at your disposal. The city is somehow not very adapted for pedestrian-comfortable sidewalks there is practically no.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_7

In addition, if in other cities, all important parts are nearby, then in it - the distances are simply huge, while there are few buildings, that is, essentially the city is divided into areas between which several kilometers of distances. So, again - necessarily a bicycle or scooter. By the way, in some hotels, there is a bicycle rental, which makes it much easier for the study of the city. There is a 40-bah bike bicycle rental per day. Nonsense, right? Just check the condition of the bike in front of the long tour, it may well be that great, for example, without brakes. This is generally in the order of things, and arguing after is already useless. Thank God, in contrast to pedestrian sidewalks, there are special bikes.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_8

You can advise to view sights early to avoid the midday heat (and the sun is mercilessing here), in addition, in this case you can admire the temples in the best light and without annoying tourists who fill the ruins. Although in general, the people in the city are a bit, it pleases. At midday time, it is better to sit in a cafe or visit the museum, wait for the heat, in general. In the second half - the most suitable light for the photo of photographs, and the temperature slowly falls, so, not so unbearably.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_9

By the way, in the evening, some of the central monuments are beautifully highlighted, so, photographers and simple lovers of beautiful photos can be advised to get out even in the evening. In addition, the night market opens in the evening, and this is a separate landmark and entertainment that cannot be missed in any way!

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_10

It is worth noting that the city is absolutely without any gloss and whisk. Some temples are dilapidated, some kind and shining. All this is very harmonious, and the atmosphere is unique!

Each temple usually has an entrance charge. But do not run up, do not worry.

I got to Ayuttay, for example, on a minibus from the Victory Monument station in Bangkok - the path takes only about one and a half hours. Sit down right in the middle of the city, so, without a map and the coordinates of your hotel just do not do.

And in Ayuttay, striking sunsets. Indescribable beauty! Prepare cameras, especially if the sun licks the ancient temples.

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_11

And also, the inhabitants of Ayuttayi love to grow flowers. For example, one of the streets in the old town is completely busy benches with flowers, all sorts of different, well, very beautiful!

Rest in Ayuttay: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Ayuttay? 61741_12

Here is such a, ancient city of Ayuttay! Definitely, it is worth highlighting a couple of days and visit it!

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