Useful information about the holiday in Chicago. Tips for experienced tourists.


Despite the fact that Chicago seems to be different exclusively as a business and industrial city, the number of tourists from all over the world who want to see this third largest city in the United States is very and very much, including from Russia and the CIS countries. Moreover, the flow of the latter every year is only increasing. And as a result of this, it will not be superfluous to clarify several nuances associated with the stay of holidaymakers in this, of course a distinctive and cosmopolitan city.

one. The most reasonable for those who first arrive in Chicago will visit the local tourist cultural center, located in the Chicago Public Library building at 78 East Washington Street, where you can get free travel guidebooks, buy a discount card for visiting museums and attractions With a discount, as well as get a lot of useful information, including to find out, for which days you can visit museums and cultural institutions completely free. This is also possible, because almost all of this kind of establishment once a week arrange the day of the open door.

Useful information about the holiday in Chicago. Tips for experienced tourists. 61715_1

2. With the presence of basic knowledge of the English language, there are no problems in communicating with service personnel, because to understand Americans in this case, much easier than indigenous speakers of English from Misty Albion. Perhaps this is due to the fact that American English is a slightly simplified version of the British. At worst, you can always resort to creativity and draw what you want or portray a pantomime. You will definitely understand. The only difficulty may arise when explaining temporary or metric data, because a 12-hour time notation is adopted in Chicago (8 AM - 8:00, 8 PM - 20:00), and metric and weight data are measured in inches, feet, miles , gallons, pounds, etc., but there is no problem to learn it before traveling.

3. Upon arrival in Chicago, the best way to get to the city is public transport, in particular the ground subway. It will save from many hours standing in traffic jams, which are the eternal satellite of the city. Similarly, with moving around the city. Saving time in this case, multiple than you will use a taxi or rented transport. By the way, traveling during the summer can use Trolliz free tourist buses, which run between the most famous sights of the city with 10 am to 6 pm. And if you still risen to rent a car, which is not so difficult to do in Chicago, you should remember several rules.

- Violate the rules of the road in the city is not just expensive, but very expensive! What a fine can send you home even through a couple of months;

- In case of stopping by the police of your car, you should not open the door on the Russian habit and go towards the police. They are very nervous in Chicago and at least what will happen, so it is to face you on the hood and usually, and the maximum is simply arrested.

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In general, Public transport is very developed in Chicago. In addition to the above-mentioned terrestrial metro and tourist buses, more than 2,000 buses move around the city, and the number of routes exceeds 150. So get to any point of the city, and it is not difficult for the nearest suburb. There is another very interesting view of public transport, this is a water taxi running around the Chicago River. This type of transport is especially loved among visits.

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four. Rounding agreements from Russian operators, with telecom operators working in Chicago there are, but here's the cost of a minute of conversation with a mobile, some kind of extended (US $ 5-7), and therefore the most optimal way of communication was, and apparently in the near future And Skype, Viber will remain like that. Wi-Fi (both paid and complimentary) is in most part cafes, restaurants, hotels and parks. The second economy way is the calls on phone cards that can be bought in kiosks, shops and gas stations. True, in this case, before buying it is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to call it to Russia with it. Well, the calls themselves are made from payphones, which are quite a few in the streets of the city. For Calls for Chicago and the United States it is better to buy a local SIM card.

five. As in almost all major cities in the United States, Chicago has both prosperous areas and frankly criminal. And that is why foreigners are not recommended to visit the remote areas of the city on their own, both in the afternoon and in the evening, but in the central you can safely walk even in the late evening. Moreover, life in them is boiling around the clock.

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And finally, several small tips for life:

- According to the legislation of Illinois, which is located Chicago, alcohol is not sold to persons younger than 21 years. So if you want to drink a little, be sure to take the documents with you in the bar or restaurant. Even if you look at 40 years, you still can ask for documents. What makes the passport mainly require. The rights are far from everywhere are quoted.

- the overwhelming number of drugs in the United States is sold only by the doctor's prescription, with only after examination and testing, and this rarely enters the cost of medical insurance. So the minimum feed of medicines must be taken with you.

- Hiking in museums, theaters and famous sights, it is better to plan on weekdays, because on weekends the whole city as if it breaks down on the parties and inspections. Often, even in museums, you can not push the weekend.

- The power of the network in the outlets in Chicago (and in all the USA) is equal to 110 volts. So before the trip you need to stock up for adapters for charger devices of your gadgets.

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