Is it worth going to Mariana Lazne?


Mariansk-Lazne is a healing resort. This is absolutely not a party place and have never been, so it is very strange to hear from people who have been there that there is nothing to do there, there is boring and so on. And it is now! - When each has access to the Internet and you can learn all the information with one click.

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So, Mariansk-Lazne or Marienbad (as he used to be called) before the First World War was a famous resort. "On the water" the monarchs, composers, writers came here. This place is famous for its sources that are used for inhalation, and for baths, and as a healing drink. Here practiced with mud, peat and even gas. In principle, rest in Marianske Lazne comparable to our resort - Caucasian mineral waters. The same unhurried course of life, calm and measured day, walks and daytime sleep. The main difference is after all the quality of the services provided. No, in our sanatoriums, too, everything is not so bad, but if you have something to compare, you will choose the Czech Republic.

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It is believed that the optimal number of days to spend on therapeutic resort is 21-28 days. The body will have time to absorb all the most useful and necessary. But only a non-working person can afford such a rest, so special suggestions have been developed for employed people and you can buy a "package" with a course of treatment for two weeks that will be rather balanced. Unlike the remaining resorts of the Czech Republic, where there are sanatoriums, the medical procedures are carried out in Mariansk-Lazne, and not preventive.

Diseases, the treatment of which is offered at the resort of Marianske Lazne:

First of all, since we are talking about mineral waters, it is, of course, a disease of the kidneys and urinary tract, the disease of the respiratory tract and the musculoskeletal system. All these are notes are treated with the help of the miraculous properties of water from local sources. There are 5 main sources in the city, and water in each differs in composition. A very effective means of treating diseases of the spine, gas injections have shown themselves. Also, this resort is good for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, diseases of the nervous system and disruption of metabolism. In addition to therapeutic procedures, it is possible to restore the body after severe illness or surgery.

The contingent at this resort corresponds to its direction - this is mainly the people of retirement age. But also a middle-aged person in addition to therapeutic procedures, there will be something to do. The city has a good park with deer, "Roman baths" - Bath. If you are mobile, you can visit the Fortress of Bechnov by bus or train - an old castle or get to Karlovy Vary or even Prague.

But still, it is better to limit the movement and just relax, because the life of a modern man is so dynamic that there is a daytime sleep or a walk through the park - a non-disabilities. At the resort of Mariansk-Lazni, you can afford this luxury!

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