Where can I eat in San Francisco? How much money to take money?


In any of the corners of San Francisco there is a dot for "snack", where you will be supplied to an excellent Mexican burrito or soup. But there is also a place and twist. In this article, I will tell you about restaurants in which it will not be ashamed to have dinner with family or friends.

Empress China

This institution is located in Chinata Town. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a wonderful view of San Francisco, including the construction of Transameric - the highest in the city; Also visible the Koyt Tower, the financial district behind Porthmouth Square, Telegraph Hill and Nob Hill. The topics of the design design of the interior furnishings of the restaurant corresponds to its name - this is a traditional Chinese style. Original old chandeliers and wall paintings are wonderful details of the interior of China's Empress. Another important advantage of this institution is a rooftop garden (no longer in any Chinese restaurant there is no such city).

The service here is flawless, the appeal of waiters with customers is polite. Fans of Chinese culinary traditions should come to taste the provided dishes. Visitors usually love to order Cantonese lobsters, grilled pork with peas, chicken with lychee. I advise you to dine a combined princess lunch: the price of such a set is $ 17.5 ; It includes soup, wintons, beef with broccoli, steam rice and pork in sour-sweet sauce. All this is the case of tea with Chinese sweets. For lovers, very satisfying such lunch will be an excellent choice. During from 15:00 to 18:00 the cost of alcohol and snacks decreases by fifty percent . Clear in the restaurant "Empress China" can be in cash, bank cards and travelers.

The coordinates of this beautiful town: GRANT AVENUE, 838 . Works without days off, 11: 30-22: 00. Official website: http://www.empressofchinasf.com.

Cokary Estiatorio.

This is worth visiting those who prefer Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. This institution received his name from the name of a small fishing village, located on about. Samos in Greece. The main idea of ​​the restaurant Cokary Estiatorio is a feast of "divine eats" - essentially a Greek, but cooked on California.

Where can I eat in San Francisco? How much money to take money? 61686_1

In the interior of the institution, Greek traditions are observed; It is felt at once at the entrance - due to the elements of the interior - ceramic and wooden products and freshly collected colors. Regulatories Restaurant Cokary Estiatorio preferred traditional Greek salad, salad with fried octopus and pepper, laminated chops ... The list can be continued for a long time, a lot of goodies are preparing. This institution is located between Embarkadero and Financial Rom.

The cost of lunch is from 28 bucks per person . Estiato Cokary Institution Located on Jackson Street, 200 . You can take here on the metro station (Embarcadero station). More relevant information about this gastronomic institution is looking for on the site. http://www.kokkari.com.


Crab House is located in the Pier 39 shopping center. This wonderful institution offers seafood dishes (as can be seen from the name of the restaurant). Only here they will burn a solid crab in garlic sauce, cutlets or soup from crabs and other snacks will be served.

Crab House Restaurant is also the most suitable place for a romantic or family dinner. Hence the wonderful view of the bay. The menu for the convenience of tourists is designed for a variety of languages ​​- about ten.

For the preparation of eats, freshly dent dantezhesi crabs are used, weighing no less than a kilogram is a symbol of the western coast of states.

Krab House is one of the restaurants in the prestigious network; Branded gastronomic institutions are located both in the San Francisco itself and beyond the city. In addition, the restaurant is still "The Franciscan Crab Restaurant" (next to the 43rd Pierce), The Old Calm House (Boulevard Bishor) and The Stinking Rose (Columbus Avenue).

Restaurant Crab House works without days off. Contact phone: 415-434-2722. You can get to it on the 39th bus or tram F. Coordinates: San Francisco, Pier 39, from 203.

Where can I eat in San Francisco? How much money to take money? 61686_2

Cliff House

The name of this restaurant is translated as "a house on a rock." It is very popular, located in the north of Oushen Beach. From here you can observe a luxurious landscape - the ocean and vacationers near the seal (in the sense of animals, and not lovers of a beach holiday). In addition to them, dolphins, pelicans and other representatives of the ocean fauna are sometimes shown.

The establishment is, in fact, from two restaurants - Stro and Bistro. Gorgeous sort is on the first floor of the building, and a modest bistro, respectively - on the second. On the walls of the bistro hung up photos with autographs of famous personalities, this collection is constantly updated. In Cliff House, you can taste a better fish stew in the city. It is preparing from Dandenzesk crabs, fish, garlic, mollusks and tomato broth. Another culinary chip of the institution is Clam-Chader. From simpler dishes - ordinary hamburgers or fish with chips. There is a separate children's menu.

Severe in bistro will cost at least twenty dollars, in sort - from thirty. Address: Point Lobos, 1090 . More information can be found on the website of the establishment - http://www.cliffhouse.com.

Rose Pistola

The establishment of Rose Pistola is a sather, a stylized trate. Coordinates - North Beach, Columbus Avenue, 532. It is designed for lovers of Italian traditions, so if you are so, you should like it here. All that is in the local menu is prepared in Italian recipes using seasonal ingredients.

Where can I eat in San Francisco? How much money to take money? 61686_3

The chef of the restaurant is Pablo Estrada, it works from the very beginning of the history of the institution - that is, from 1996 year. In our time, the chef had an assistant - Mark Gordon. The main attention in Rose Pistol is accentuted on dishes (which is natural), as well as wine and, of course, the service. For cooking only the freshest products use. The menu is updated every day. Traditional kushans include pastes, pizza and fokcachi. From culinary sizes, you can mark fire-fried ditch, seafood soup and so on. They caress here according to Italian and California wines. Lost in the rose pistol restaurant will cost you from $ 35 . Website website: http://www.rosepistolasf.com.

Bon Appetit!

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