Rest in New York: tourist reviews


Dream to visit New York belonged to my husband. Therefore, it was decided to fly there for several weeks. We planned to combine holidays on the ocean and take a walk in Manhattan. The first thing that I was not frightened, so this is the subway. Very dark, dirty, two-storey, multi-column metro. In addition, a very - very confusing train system. We needed a few days to at least to figure it out. Our first hotel was in the Chinese quarter, but speaking one night there, we quickly moved to New Jersey (non-state). There was much more pleasant and calm.

The first day is shock. Everyone is very in a hurry, the skyscrapers of Manhattan are very pressured, there is not enough air, since every step is frying something, soaring, cook. Under the legs endlessly by the metro. Traffic is very dense. All this is very oppressing, but I repeat - only on the first day.

Rest in New York: tourist reviews 61633_1

When we rested, I slept well and the next day they made a re-selection on Manhattan, he revealed to us perfectly in the new world. All the most popular places are certainly impressive and stay for a long time in memory. Do not regret the time and money to visit them - Times Square, Empire State Building, Central Park, Museums - From the words, everyone deserve attention, be sure to float on the Staten Island on the ferry, visit the Brooklyn Zoo, by the way, Brooklynsky Bridge is better to consider from a small peninsula on the right side.

Rest in New York: tourist reviews 61633_2

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